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Hi Patrons! I feel we owe you a short report what your investment in us got you as a return this past year!

Have I ever introduced myself by the way? I’m Philipp, and started Kurzgesagt three years ago. My main job is deciding the video topics and to write and research the scripts.  I also used to illustrate all the videos.

Ok, so which areas did your support make better than before?

Productivity: In 2016 we produced roughly 120 minutes of animated content, more than ever before. Almost two hours of animation on that level is a huge amount for a small team like us. On average our videos became longer and we had our first 16 minute video (another one is planned for next year about one of the most requested topics: AI). In 2016 we also started working on 3-4 videos in parallel.

Quality: We greatly upped the time we spend per video. A 2016 video took on average between 300 and 400 hours to make. We were able to invest more time into research, fact checking, script writing, illustration and animation (as you hopefully can tell if you compare this year’s videos to last year). And we finally can afford to do history videos from time to time – multiple ones are in the works right now. 

All of this would not have been possible without your support. Patreon is the most reliable and constant source of income we have. It enables us to invest more and better time into our creative work and to take risks like the Human Era Calendar. Patreon greatly reduces the insecurity that comes with running a business that could in theory evaporate anytime. We never expected it to blow up like this – but we really appreciate your help more than you might imagine. And we see it as an obligation to produce more and better stuff. 

Kurzgesagt still feels like a small personal project to me. But it is not anymore and that is ok. Patreon is one of the reasons it works as something bigger. Thank you so much. If you have feedback for us please let us know! Hope you had great holidays and we’ll be back in 12,017! -Philipp

TLDR: Patreon has been the biggest reason we were able to do more and better videos this year. Thank you!



Only seen a few of your videos so far, one was on fusion, found it to be educational, interesting, easy to understand, easy to listen to, and quite colorful, I learned more in one video than I would in school in a week, that's when I decided to support you, so keep on producing :)


Philipp, I just wanted to take a moment to say that the videos you and your team have created are inspiring to say the least. I won't lie, I held a much more pessimistic worldview of where we were headed as a species just from all the negative press and news we are constantly bombarded by. The Overpopulation video for example, truly opened my eyes that it's not all doom and gloom like a lot of people would have us believe. I look forward to every Kurzgesagt video you all produce because they show some of what we're capable of and what's possible in our future. I'm extremely happy to be a Patron and look forward to what our support will help create in 12,017! Happy new year to you and the entire production team! (I loooove the calendar!!! It's so awesome! I can't wait to hang out in my office whilst wearing my new socks!! 😊 I know it takes a lot of effort for the merchandise, but what can I say, I'm a sucker for cool stuff)


Thank you Philipp and the rest of your team! These videos are awesome! I'm really proud to be able to support the education you guys/gals provide!


I couldn't have said it better. This comment perfectly describes how i feel.


You are one of my favorite channels on youtube, your videos are educational as well as positive. I would really love to support you throughout 2017 as well. P. S. I loved your video on the refugee crisis and the one on overpopulation

Kay Brinkmann

I also want to take a moment to thank you and the entire team for the outstanding work you did over the past year. I wish everyone a happy new year. (I'll enter 12.017 wearing my new socks)


really not a lot to say in terms of feedback. I share almost every video you make to my friends and I'm not on Facebook( neither are most of my friends) so sharing isn't just one click, but copying the link, writing texts on my phone and sometimes e-mails. just keep up the good work! I don't think the formula needs to be changed in any way


Be it 2017 or 12017, I am confident in another year of great and informative videos, and I am glad that Patreon has been such a success for you and, indeed, in the end, all of us.


Without a doubt one of the best uses of my hard earned money. You all do a great job, please keep it up and I'll keep supporting (I'm considering increasing my pledge soon, but I will at some point in 2017). I love the breadth of topics you cover (the video on the Islamic State was wonderful) and I always feel good sharing your videos with my kids who are so sick of Dad giving them more stuff to learn. Thank you for the excellent work in 2016! Erik


I love you guys!


you guys are amazing, I'm glad I can make a small contribution to this, everytime I get a notification of a new video I always get excited and I'm never disappointed afterwards, keep up the good work!


120 Mins is basically a movie. For such a small team with such high production values that is an impressive feat.


I love you guys. You're doing something I think is important and I think you're doing it well. And I love the consistent attitude of honesty en openness in the videos. A great example of this is the CRISPR video.


Have a great 12,017!! by adding my little sand grain, I really feel collaborating to something that's really worth it such as spreading some knowledge in a very creative way thanks to all the Kurzgesagt team members. We thank you for such enthusiasm and creativity. Please keep it up as our new generations really need this type of information presented to them to acknowledge we're part of a marvelous universe and a share a privileged place on this Earth. THANK YOU ALL!

Dmitry Mandriko

You had me at 12 017... And TLDR. Seriously, though, thank you for your work explaining things in with simplicity, yet without condescension.


I'm sorry I can't afford to become a permanent contributor. But I'm making a small donation because I admire your work so much. I never catch you in a mistake. Well almost never. Sometimes there are teeny spelling or grammar mistakes.


Good luck in 12,017 Kurzgesagt! I hope you'll make many more beautiful video's!


Can't wait for more content in 12,017! You guys are the best 👍🏻


Had to support the channel, you are making the best content quality wise on Youtube and really inspiring me in my design career!


Thanks guys, such amazing work!


I am so proud to support such an amazing idea and creativity. To everyone in the team, a huge thank you for making great, informative, beautiful content. Your project it's a masterpiece. I'm so happy to be alive at this time. I hope your content will some day change the world.


Btw, I love how you guys are more about Quality then Quantity. Please never stop.


Keep up the Great content guys


Could you make a video about neurons, artificial intelligence and machine learning?


How do I remove myself from the automatic deductions from my bank account?

Lines of Desire

you have to go to "edit pledge" and look for a text link to "delete pledge"