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Everybody feels lonely sometimes. But only few of us are aware how important this feeling was for our ancestors - and that our modern world can turn it into something that really hurts us. Why do we feel this way and what can we do about it?



Everybody feels lonely sometimes. But only few of us are aware how important this feeling was for our ancestors - and that our modern world can turn it into something that really hurts us. Why do we feel this way and what can we do about it? Sources: https://sites.google.com/view/sourcesloneliness/startseite Kurzgesagt Merch:  https://bit.ly/2GeuQxZ Support us on Patreon so we can make more videos (and get cool stuff in return): https://www.patreon.com/Kurzgesagt?ty=h Kurzgesagt Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/cRUQxz Facebook: http://bit.ly/1NB6U5O Twitter: http://bit.ly/2DDeT83 Instagram: http://bit.ly/2DEN7r3 The music of the video here: Soundcloud: https://bit.ly/2X3Qezs Bandcamp: https://bit.ly/2tlrWU3 Youtube: https://bit.ly/2CZ6PeN Facebook: http://bit.ly/2qW6bY4 THANKS A LOT TO OUR LOVELY PATRONS FOR SUPPORTING US:Aleksandra Przytuła, Jemma, Will, 士誠 劉, Vincent Boucart, Tea4ever, Thomas Hogdahl, Gaurav Mathur, Andy Matthews, Tom Ingleby, Phil Crawford, Dannythetwo, Carl Canova, Martin Anderson, Mathieu Langis, tineeetim, Jeongmin Bae, Jarno Verhoofstad, Thomas Auberson, Ethan DeKelver, Enis Zeyrek, Dennis Værum, Matt Miller, Sasha Mamzelev, Dunkel, kartacha, Daniel Miller, Joshua Brost, Kyle Ivin, Erich Onzik, Allison McCarthy, Dejan Cencelj, Bogdan DANCU, Peter Cornell, Francesco Rossetto, Michael Mutarelli, Edward DeCook, Yashasvi Singh, Austin Gilstrap-Turner, Josie Xu, NorgTheSupporter, Carmine D'Amico, Ann Poplick, Ingrid Wong, Andrés Help us caption & translate this video! https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q&tab=2



Beautiful animation and really nicely written. Great stuff as always.


Is that the first video with no kurzgesagt logo in it? I haven't spotted neither an intro nor outro.


another lovely kurzgesagt video, keep going, macht weiter so ^-^


This speaks to me on an emotional level. Thank you.


Love these physiological videos so much, would love to see more.

Miy Eterp

Please make a video about what will happen if close encounters with aliens happen?

Miy Eterp

Please make a video about the origin of love?


It cool video))


This was wonderful. I'd love to know more about the impetus for choosing this subject, and the call to action at the end. Thanks!


Thank you so much for this video, I was talking to a teenager dealing with this very issue as a CTL Crisis Counselor last night. I wish I had seen this before but now I feel that I have even better language to help. You guys truly did something good for the world with this video.


Thank you, it's great to understand why I've closed myself off socially, and some things I can do about it.


2 uploads in 1 month, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I love this channel and cannot wait for new uploads so this was exciting to hear you did more then the normal amount!


There you have it. Even such magnificience like a moonbase or dysonsphere would not help us if we feel lonely. And the answer to this problem can not be solved with technological gadgets either. Only by one's self. Wonderfull soundtrack and love the psychological content. Thank you for making people aware of this important issue. Already saw it in the german channel and it's still stunning even tho watching it a second time.


Wow, this is one of the best editing and scripts I've seen! Besides the actual amazing content, the video is so we'll constructed 😁 hats off!


geez finally in english, what has taken so much time to translate it from german?


this has helped me understand to understand that i have people around me and i am not lonely


This video is the reason I became a Patron.


I watched the channel for a while, but this video made me a patreon


Hi! Can I make a bird?


Thank you for this video! One note though, the link in "Help us caption & translate this video" does not work anymore. This seems to be the current method: click Settings (gear icon) in the video > Subtitles/CC > Add subtitles/CC.

João Gouveia

And I reach out to you guys to say you're amazing content creators! Thank you so much for this video... We need more of these...


This One Is OK. 4 Out Of 5


Dear Kurzgesagt. I, for one, feel mitigated about that video. First off, a bit about me. I suffer from loneliness a lot. For most of my childhood and teenage years I was without friends, or at best what I call friends of circumstances. I found a good equilibrium as a young adult and student, but then adulthood smashed right into my face. No more boarding or flatshare. No more common bad (class, homework) or good (parties, group studies) moments. Lonelier bad (taxes, work) and happy (time with your spouse) moments. More eating alone. More temporary "professional-only" relationships with your colleagues. Friends moving away and the so much praised "career mobility" moving you away from your family (as well as not allowing you enough time to bond with people before having you to move again). Therefore, I end up saying that adulthood is plain crap. I am in the middle of a serious depression that cost me my work. I indeed sought professional aid and it helps me a lot; but it does not lead me to change my opinion about how adulthood sucks. In fact, it even strengthens it the more I talk about how I feel. Now the video. In the video you talked (I think rightfully so) about how our modern society evolved into having us feel more and more alone. More focused on the self and less on the community and our role within it. Individual responsibility and such, like you said... Less time for others. More lonely work tasks, like how automation helped us go from harvests needing hundreds of people working and chatting and eating and labouring together, to a single guy driving alone his combine harvester all day long. More lonely leisure activities; smartphones are great at offering us exactly that. Even fake social relationship with social media, all of it through an expressionless screen... Then you offered your take on the solution, and in my humble opinion you completely contradicted yourself with the first part of the video. You feel lonely? It’s your fault! You do not interpret social signals correctly… By no means I say what you told is bs! All your observations are correct, everything is truly true and well explained about how we end up swallowed in that spiral of loneliness. I experience it and do my best to train myself into avoiding all that bad stuff. What I criticise is how, by first pointing out that the problem is global, organisational, the result of a more and more individualised society, you end up advocating a solution entirely focused on that said individual. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, and you only talked about the cure. What I would have liked to see is a reflection on how we could adapt our society into pulling people closer together instead of driving them away from each other. Individual actions, the social signals interpretation “hygiene” you advocated, I may call it, will only get us this far. How can we truly fix what, deeply rooted in our social organisation, creates so many lonely people? I would absolutely LOVE your take on this as I often wonder about it myself. Congrats for those who read it all! You helped me feel less lonely 😉


I think the disconnect McEkket points out between the first and second half of the video is mostly due to how the first two sections have much more to do with each other than the last two sections. Parts 1 and 2 ('What is Loneliness' and 'The Downside of the Modern World') help define the what and why of this issue. The way modern society has progressed has created environments that, more and more, clash negatively with our intuitions and behaviors. But this isn't something that is by design, and the answer in my (and I'm sure many others') opinions is not to entirely regress society back into agricultural or hunter/gatherer small-communities, or to reject ideas about the importance of individuals in the society they live within. So we live in artificial environments that can create negative outcomes as it combines with our natural behaviors. If we don't just restore the way things were in the past (I can't help but think this would entail unimaginable pain and suffering, that would ultimately result in people trying to rebuild a lost age of advancement), then we have to invest more thought and effort, both into how we react behaviorally and emotionally to the artificial environments, and also into how we can continue to progress the evolution of our artificial environment in ways that can facilitate the positive outcomes we all desire. I don't think anyone (that I have heard of at least) has really solid and actionable ideas about how to make big significant changes to society*** that would help everybody, but it is easy for us to agree that identifying the negative outcomes, and helping ourselves avoid those negative outcomes, is a good starting place. And that is what the 3rd and 4th sections are about ('How Loneliness Kills' and 'What We Can Do About It?'). These things in this context naturally include any possible avenue of exposing oneself to other people on common grounds where one can connect with others over anything possible. The more this is done the less loneliness will dominate ones life. Of course the feeling is still inescapable because at the end of the day, everyone's mind still can become enthralled in that evolutionary inclination to question how isolated one might be, and how significant and meaningful ones life is to other people, no matter how much those thoughts can be understood (usually by other people, but hopefully by the person experiencing them) as trivial paranoia that can be dismissed. ***Thinking a bit more, the closest thing to this that comes to my mind is the idea of rejecting social media like facebook and twitter. While I am kind of on board with that (barely participate in either), I don't think banning those things is a real solution. Again, they are products of modern society (advent of the internet) mixing with our behaviors. The way these platforms have a way of amplifying some negative behaviors is worrisome, and a big topic of discussion. However I think given that this has only really exploded into view within the past decade, and the amount of discussion around the topic, I feel inclined toward an optimistic view that people will eventually adapt the system as it is, into a form that facilitate cooperation more than encouraging divisiveness the way they are infamous for today. I certainly believe that social media still has immense potential to positively connect people regardless of the boundaries that separate us.


I payed 40D Tier which is my personal bird. How come I never see them in your videos?


Hola desde Madrid (Spain), este video me ha parecido sin duda uno de los mejores hasta la fecha, realmente me ha encantado. ¡Gracias por explicar de una forma tan clara y concisa un tema tan complejo como lo es la soledad!. La bibliografía propuesta me parece perfecta. 5/5


Top-notch as always!


Thank you for this informative video. The theme of lonlyness, unfortunatly, applies to all people without exception, and in this i completely agree with author. I had a similar situation in my youth, when i felt insecure and it seemed that no one wanted to communicate with me. Fortunatly, everything was not so gloomy, and everything turned to be fine.


Hey! Just out of curiosity, finnish subtitles haven't been published yet. Why is that?


this is sad


the lonelyness comes from your heart.


lonely? OH NO.


I'm not lonely :/


I do feel lonely sometimes

Niko Neufeld

one of the best videos evr