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Hi everyone, Rich here. We're aware that the CDN we use for delivering our video downloads has issues for many users and we now have a through-line of communication to people who can make a difference. 

We're looking for affected users to help us out, but please only do the following if you're having very slow download speeds and/or disconnections when downloading from digitalfoundry.net. If you submit the required information when the service is working OK, that won't be helpful.

Here's what we need from affected users:

1. Go to https://debug.tools.cdn77.com/ and wait for the screen to update with your code. This will be a 10-digit code you can cut 'n' paste into an email.

2. Next, for MacOS run traceroute 1628926251.rsc.cdn77.org in the terminal, on Windows run tracert 1628926251.rsc.cdn77.org in the terminal or command prompt. We'll need a screenshot of the output.

3. Please send the above along with Name, Email and Location to info@digitalfoundry.org.

Thanks - and fingers crossed we can resolve this. I'd just like to reiterate though that even if things are OK, we do recommend a download manager for multi-threaded downloads. It makes everything a lot easier. It may not be the best but Turbo Download Manager works and I'm sure others can chime in with their suggestions. Bearing in mind we've had downloads over 10GB or even 20GB at one point, this is worth looking into.


Lil Gohan

Thank you for this. At first I would VPN from US to UK and seemingly got a faster connection, but after that stopped working, Free Download Manager (FDM) has resolved most of my issues. Will still report if I have issues to help the larger populace.


Nice for listening to our feedback, I'll do these steps one of these days.


My main issue (not a huge one) is that individual downloads seem to vary in download speed wildly? Some videos I'll get like 1 mb/s and others I'll get like 40 mb/s. Any idea why that would be?

Dennis Martin Herbers

Yeah I always had disconnections during downloads, after about every 5GB or so (Germany, Deutsche Telekom DSL). Not a big problem for me because they are resumable, but I'll file a report next time.


On a gigabit connection in the USA it takes a very long time to download compared to most things, even from other sites across the pond. I will try turbo download manager. I suppose it really depends on how many connections the CDN allows for.


Thanl you for this. Sometimes, I would just rage quit and watch it on YouTube. I don't mind waiting for the download if there are slow speeds but the disconnections kill it


In terms of download manager suggestions... (hopefully no one is fed up of me mentioning it).. https://github.com/ConcreteLlama/digital-foundry-downloader This is a node program I developed to download the latest videos when they come out and this weekend just gone I added support for multi connection downloads (defaults to 1, see readme on how to enable it). It has also supported retries if a download fails (from the point it failed, not a full redownload) for quite a while. It'll also tag your files with metadata such as the description and tags which is useful if you use Plex. I run it in a container on my Unraid server and it hasn't failed me so far. Please bear in mind though that I don't have loads of free time to support and it's not exactly my best code, so very much welcome to input if anyone wants to jump in. Note: It'll only download NEW content. While it does scan the entire archive for metadata (for future use that I haven't got round to actually using yet), it will ignore all content that existed before it was first run.


This is excellent to see, I basically stopped even trying to download from the site a few months back. I was always getting super slow speeds and download failures, only like 10% of the time getting good results.


Thx Rich... you've got mail :)

Corbin Lee

Wow, interesting tool! I’ll check it out when my home PC is up and running

Corbin Lee

I thought it was just me, that’s what I get for not asking around. I’ll fill this out from work, which is one of the places that doesn’t work well (the other being, well, my home)


Free Download Manager works very well for me. Maxing out my gigabit connection and eliminating disconnections problems.