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Hey everyone, it's Rich with an actual 'FPS Remastered' piece of bonus material. This is an occasional feature where we unearth captures from the past via our extensive archives, run them through our latest analysis tools and use nearest neighbour upscaling for an (optional) 4K presentation with the native 720p versions also available for download.

These captures were created on November 27th 2012 by none other than Tom Morgan. Already unarchived once in more modern times - we used them in putting together our Far Cry 3 Classic piece a few years back - they've been dusted down again for our upcoming PC Retro Time Capsule piece. Marvel at the ambition of the visuals and the truly awful performance! Fresh capture is in the video Alex is producing, of course, but despite a title update (a mere 8MB on Xbox 360!), performance is totally unchanged from these launch videos.

The original captures come in at around 61GB of losslessly compressed 720p60 data and I actually picked them up from Tom myself via his archive of HDDs when I was in the Gamer Network building yesterday for the quarterly DF board meeting! 'Enjoy' some of the worst performance of the generation and look forward to Alex's upcoming video, which helps to explain why this game is like it is - ie highly ambitious! That said, we can't help but wonder why Ubisoft didn't lower resolution on this one...

Downloads: https://www.digitalfoundry.net/far-cry-3-classic-fps-remastered


Far Cry 3: Classic FPS Remastered

Captures created on November 27th, 2012. We dug these files out of the archives for supplementary material for our Far Cry 3 Retro PC Time Capsule and have verified that performance via subsequent updates is no different whatsoever.



"we can't help but wonder why Ubisoft didn't lower resolution on this one..." Quite easy: all Ubi's marketing back in the day was about visuals. "Look what we can do! You've never seen such visuals on PS3/360!". It was their mantra in all their PR communication on each AAA game. And it did work: an awful LOT of journalists wrote in all their pieces that Ubi was doing miracles that other didn't. And players started repeating what those journalists were saying. But if you said or wrote something about the framerate, Ubi was answering you were wrong and that it was very playable and that their engineers were doing the best visuals in gaming and that players loved it and that you were a picky journalist and.... uuuh. It was unbearable.