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Hi everyone, happy new year! The DF team is now back in its stride and we're starting to put together the new edition of DF Direct Weekly. We'll be raking over the coals of the RTX 4070 Ti launch, discussing the Nvidia keynote and its various reveals before we plough by discussing the AMD and Sony media briefings and sharing our thoughts on the various announcements.

Are there any specific topics you'd like us to take a look at?

Beyond that, of course, it's all about supporter Q+A, so please submit your questions and we'll pick out a selection for inclusion in the show. We're expecting to be back in our regular schedule for this one, so expect early access on Saturday and a Monday release date for everyone else. Thanks!



Hi team, happy new year! I bought my youngest son Sonic Frontiers for Christmas, which, issues aside, we both found to be really good fun. However I couldn’t help notice the complete absence of hdr. To my mind this would really suit the visuals and make them ‘pop’. This isn’t the first game that’s lacking this feature, so why do developers chose not to master their games in hdr? To my knowledge there is no performance cost and the effect can be truest transformative. Great examples are Cyberpunk, Doom Eternal and Tetris Effect.


Hey DF, the 4070 TI has obviously had a rough launch with its original 4080 branding and dubious performance advertising. However, I just wonder why y'all at DF are sometimes the only ones talking about the increase in cost per transistor/silicon and the effects of inflation across the board. I bought a 4070 TI to upgrade my 1080 TI and while I'm not thrilled about the 799 USD I paid, its also the only "reasonable" option with the features I wanted (RT/DLSS 3). Is the extreme backlash on the pricing warranted or are reviewers and consumers simply expecting too much in this economic climate? Am I a part of the problem by buying it?? I just want to finally see some raytracing! XD Love what y'all do!


Regarding GPU power consumption, why do cards leave some power on the table? As an example: the 4070ti has a TDP of 285 watts yet averages below that on a lot of games. From your own review, Forza 5 only uses ~200 watts to deliver 100fps. Why isn't that maxed out to deliver more performance? Control leaves about 30 watts on the table. Could that be the difference between a 30fps and a 40fps average? All cards do this. What gives?


What is the game that each of you is currently most looking forward to playing, that is scheduled to come out in 2023?


Question for Rich: back in the day it was just DF and another outfit called Lens of Truth. They've since faded into obscurity, and DF has gone from strength to strength. What do you think DF has done right over the years to keep growing? Do you have examples of proud moments where you've felt vindicated for certain editorial decisions?

Sven Dahlin

Hi, with technologies like RT Global Illumination, Nanite, etc., how far are we from getting to the quality level of movie CGI? What new hardware would be required to get that to that quality level in real time for gaming?


Noting that AMD supply the CPU/GPU for both XSX and PS5 and ignoring any accusations of anti-competitive behavior. Do you think there could be an alternate dimension where AMD makes their own console and ceases providing tech to Sony and MS?


Does Unreal Engine 5 software lumen take advantage of Ray tracing specific hardware? How would you expect Fortnite to run if Epic enables lumen and nanite for Xbox One X? Similar or much worse than Series S?


Are you aware of if studios usually have any form of "Go-Live" testing? As in, when a game is officially released, downloading the game directly from the customer-facing store on a true-customer-variant of a console or PC setup for the first time, and making sure everything looks good/plays well initially? I know this would look very different on PC, but I'm wondering if support like this would prevent issues from having to be reported by paying customers vs. QA/the studios catching things quickly (The Callisto Protocol's launch comes to mind, for example).


Question for everyone what is routine when making videos ? Do you give yourself specific deadlines when doing videos ?

tod weitzel

What, logistically, do you think happened to the 12gb 4080 cards already manufactured before the unlaunch? If you tore down early 4070tis would there be little 4080 numbers printed on the circuit boards? I assume they junked the boxes but I'm fascinated at the supply chain side of "unlaunching" a product.


Happy New Year! Why does Fortnite use software ray tracing on current gen consoles when they have silicon purportedly dedicated to RT? As a PC gamer since the mid 1980s, I’d always thought that dedicated hardware was better, at least until CPUs gained enough power to make handling the extra load trivial (think SoundBlaster cards). I also thought real-time ray tracing was so computationally intensive that you pretty much had to have dedicated hardware to pull it off. Can Fortnite/UE5 use software ray tracing on PCs without RT graphics cards, and/or are there GPUs that would perform better using software RT, even if they are capable of hardware RT?


I have to admit I'm a little disappointed on the OLED monitor front out of CES. 240hz is fabulous, but why not offer at least one 4K option, even at a lower refresh rate? As someone who needs a monitor for both single player gaming and video editing, I would have loved for LG to announce a 27 inch 4K 120hz monitor that gives the benefits of their C-series TVs at a more reasonable size. What are your thoughts on the future of OLED in the PC monitor space?


the 100th digital foundry direct is coming up, any special plans beyond covering the news that week?


Only recently becoming aware of your content and after watching your video about the DF Supporter Program, I joined your Patreon to support the excellent work the DF team provide. Outside of Patreon, have you ever thought of running a yearly kickstarter/crowdfunding campaign to garner the necessary funds to support DF for the year? Could that be a viable option?


Question for John: I recently acquired a 38 inch CRT TV and I'm looking to use it for some PC gaming (side note: weighs 216 lbs or 98 kilos). Would you recommend using a HDMI to Y/Pb/Pr component input converter or an HDMI to S-Video converter? Keep up the great work DF!


What do Alex & the rest of the team think of the Nvidia geforce experience optimal settings? I noticed that they're included in there and that games might be set to those settings.


I’m curious if the team considers DLSS3’s input latency good enough. Especially in a situation going from below 60 to a stable 90+ with it turned on (typical setup of Vsync on, frame capped a few fps under the screens limit for VRR).


Hi DF, Now that the 1650 is the top GPU in steam survey, does that mean that people aren't as interested in buying high-end GPU's, why do you think this is happening? And do you think this will slow down the adoption of high-end PC features?


Will John ever cover the PS Vita in his retro adventures? If so what was his favourite game