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Happy New Year, it's Rich here with your regular scheduled update on what's going on here at Digital Foundry! The team is back at work following the holiday break and it seems we're straight back in the thick of it with our review of the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti - which, incidentally, we received at the tail-end of last year. 

Needless to say, this did require me cutting short my holiday regardless, but I hope you enjoy the content. This is going to be an interesting litmus test for the GPU market, I think. Inflation, spiralling energy costs and a huge cost hike for TSMC's latest process nodes mean we won't be seeing gigantic leaps in performance and big price drops - which effectively brings PC graphics cards into line with consoles and smartphones facing similar challenges. I think the 4070 Ti is fine then, but wonder to what extent the market cares about those challenges and whether the slump in sales will continue.

Still, here's what else we have cooking:

* Rich (ie me) still has the Fortnite UE5.1 video to put out publicly. I've also been testing RTX 4090 on an actual 4K 240Hz display. I'm likely to do a video combining that testing with 8K 60Hz too. I'm also going to be reviewing the Ayaneo 2.

* John will be working on the new Fire Emblem game, putting together the new DF Retro episode - and is also working on formative plans for something special for DF Direct Weekly #100! We're hoping to do something special for the anniversary, which should hit some time in February.

* Tom is looking at the Nintendo Switch port of the perennial classic - Mortal Shell!

* Oliver is working on a 4TF face-off - PS4 Pro vs Xbox Series S - which should prove compelling. The comparisons in The Witcher 3 give some hint as to how this one may turn out...

* Alex is working on a video of 'best practises for PC ports'. This isn't just about how eliminating shader compilation stutter is a good idea, but also a collection of best implementations for things like settings screens, expectations we have for certain features - and tons more. Should be interesting, and hopefully a reference point for developers.

* Will is back at the CPU coalface - much to do there!

Obviously, we're following the events of CES closely and will be discussing that on the next DF Direct Weekly but in the meantime, if there's anything you'd like us to look into or any topics you feel we should be considering, do let us know! But for now - have a great week and a fantastic 2023!




Rich! Go back on holiday! We can wait! We want FRESH Rich, not 5-o'clock Rich!


I always enjoy DF's content, but you should never cut short a holiday you've earned. We can wait for a fully rejuvenated Rich and DF team.

Daryl Rodriguez

During the RT+Image Reconstruction portion of the video, the cards were using DLSS 2, right? It seems like reviewers are "ignoring" DLSS 3, while Nvidia is misleading consumers using DLSS 3. Can we meet somewhere in the middle? I (very gratefully) got a 4090, and I'm loving the frame generation, especially with a controller, where I don't feel the higher input lag as much. The first wave of the technology works well, and I can see future consoles implementing it too, and frame generation becoming the norm one day. I know DF has done in depth coverage on DLSS 3, but the other reviewers seem to be downplaying its value. Thank you for the holiday coverage.


Alex should revisit using nVidia's control panel super sampling/downscaling then running DLSS or DLAA on an already above native quality image and whether nVidia has improved the DL scaling at all since launch. I messed with it today in god of war and it looked really good and the 4090 had no problem running it at 2x 4k at least with DLSS enabled. I didn't actually try it without. Stinks that there's still only 2 options to use for the DL variant. As for stutter there is a spectacle fighter recently released on ue4. Solstice maybe? First fight is in a void with blue stuff everywhere. Felt like Bayonetta but with tons of stutter and after about 5 min of stutter for no reason because nothing new was happening I said to hell with this and quit out.


It will be the norm but hopefully always optional. Even at 120fps I don't like the way it feels and visually I can just tell something is off. Considering DLSS Quality usually is plenty to run everything but calisto at 4k well above 60 it just feels like a bad idea to focus on it Reviews ignore it generally speaking because it's their job to test the raw performance of it's rendering capabilities not what's essentially a function TV's have been doing for nearly 20 years although better than TV's do it for obvious reasons. I want to know how a card runs things without trickery which includes DLSS. I also want to know DLSS2 and FSR2 numbers but I don't care what the DLSS3 numbers are, I just assume it's double whatever the card can do on its own

Daryl Rodriguez

I appreciate being able to play a game at native 4K 120 fps, especially since on controller I’m not feeling the input lag increase that much. I’m curious where you see that something is off visually. Do you constantly see it, or only in certain moments, around certain objects? There’s some weird moments with certain objects, but for the most part if it’s a locked 120 (for example), I think it looks smooth. And during gameplay, when I’m thinking about the gameplay, my brain doesn’t care if it’s slightly different from “real” 120. I think that it will always be optional, even on consoles in the future. If the consoles stick with AMD, and AMD manages to get this working, I’m pretty sure they will jump at the chance to make 60 into 120, at the very least. 30 to 60 would be an interesting choice. Or even 40 to 80 with VRR. But I doubt they will force players to use it.


I would love to see the video that Alex is working on. I'm aspiring to make games as well, and that type of information could be beneficial for aspiring devs as well as some people in the industry! Also, the PS4 PRO vs Xbox One S is very interesting, since both are 4thf machines.