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Hello everyone, it's Rich here with your regular scheduled update on all things Digital Foundry. There's no #content meeting this week as it's a public holiday in the UK - though I've just spent the weekend finishing a Spider-Man video as I'm off today to Berlin and am literally writing this from Gatwick Airport. Yes, I'll be meeting up with Alex as we collaborate on some #content I can't yet talk about - though hopefully the mystery will drop soon!

So, what's on the cards? Let's get straight to it.

* John is polishing up his tech review for The Last of Us Part 1, which 'drops' on the embargo date of August 31st. Not much to say about this except we'll be tackling how Naughty Dog remade the game, comparing it to the original in terms of both visuals and gameplay.

* Oliver has also been knee-deep in Tee-Lou and he'll be going in-depth on performance across three generations of PlayStation hardware, with the kind of focus and dedication of a massive fan who's completed all prior versions on the hardest difficulty setting. After this, he's going to be taking a look at Soul Hackers on Xbox and PlayStation platforms. 

* Alex is working on something very interesting! Excited about this one - more soon.

* Tom has been helping out on a bunch of things for other people's videos recently - some help on my Spider-Man project and doing the mobile Switch capture for Oliver's video last week. He's going to be taking a look at the last-gen Saints Row versions.

* Audi tells us that his schedule is freeing up and he's going to be working on a massive Pickups video with John.

Anything new or interesting you think we should be covering? As the saying goes: let us know in the comments below. I'm going to be back in the UK on Wednesday afternoon, but then it's the DF board meeting on Friday so alas my plans for Intel Arc A380 and AyaNeo Air reviewing are going to need to be put on hold...



Dennis Martin Herbers

So cool that Rich is coming over to Berlin for the Digital Foundry Exclusive Berliner Döner Kebab technical showcase!! Can't wait for this one to drop 🥙

Nico Simmons

Safe travels! Enjoy our capital ^-^ as much as business allows.


Secret project from Alex?! Exciting!! Safe voyage, Richard! No drama. Just curious. Will there be a comparison video of LOUP1 vs PS4 remaster?


More spiderman videos? Hell yeah


Safe journey Rich! All the best to the team this week.


I really dislike the new artstyle of TLoU "Part 1". It's undeniable that they didn't just remaster the existing character models, but there are some clear creative decisions made here, in particular to make the characters look older.


Back in July Tom was working on testing Micro SD cards on Steam Deck - did that get shelved? To be fair it sounds like hell.

Snorlax jobless

Well Joel was almost 60 by they time part 2 takes place 5 years after part 1. The technology back then could not make the characters look exactly their age without making them kind of ugly. When you look at games at the start of the PS360 generation, like GTA 4 or even mid gen like Alan Wake, they look like really bad. Aging has been a major thing yo tackle with more polly budget, as younger people do have less facial geometry. I think more grounded games should be reallistic. I don't expect my narrative games like actors with botox and make up, for that I would be seeing a movie

Eric Benoit

Is Biomutant's PS5/Xbox series X version review coming out soon or is it going to be april 1st next year?