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Dear members of the community, it is again time for us to answer your retro questions! This is the time where John and Audi sit down and plow through dozens of questions regarding anything retro gaming. So you know the drill by now, leave your questions in the comments, and we'll get to as many as we can this Friday!



I’ve been collecting more and more 6th gen games and wondered: why are so few PS2 games able to support 480p? It was a near standard on Xbox and DC and i think the GameCube even had more support - even if you had to go through extra hoops to do so. Is it an issue of power or something else?


Silent Hill Series Retrospective wen?


Greetings DF crew! Is there a short list of Mega Drive games from Japan/Europe that you think could or should have been given a chance in North America? I'm wondering how many titles from that era were passed over because they were possibly considered as being too quirky or "foreign" for the US market. Also in light of certain SNES and Genesis games receiving amazing enhancement hacks (Contra III SA-1 and Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition come to mind), are there any other 16-bit titles that you guys think would have benefitted greatly from increased performance via enhancement chips? As always thank you both for DF Retro!


What are your personal relation to conventional ”meat sports” and what are the odds of seeing a DF Retro episode on sports games in the future? While sports games are often shunned by many gamers there are a lot of games that can be enjoyed even if you’re a ”regular sportsfan”. Such as NBA Jam (even if the subject is a little overrepresented), NHL Hitz, NFL Blitz, EAs Street sports games, NHL 94, Tecmo Super Bowl, SSX and many others.


What are the next retro hardware/mods you expect the most?


Do you think we ever see Shenmue 3?


One more question! Any thoughts on the recently announced Mega Drive Mini 2 and the included games?


It seems Street Fighter 6 will take place entirely in Metro City. As you, I thought at first glimpse it was the Final Fight Remake strongly rumored to be in the work at Capcom since a couple of years. It's a very wild guess, but if it happen to be the case, if it looks like that, what are you thoughts? And what would you expect from that remake?


Why do Sega/M2 love Fantasy Zone so much? It feels like it's been rereleased 582 times.


Sorry for the double dip :) -- I've been thinking about the Panzer Dragoon series again lately after talking to a friend who had recently completed Saga, which I had someone reflect with me they also found the game deeply spiritual and often leaned into biblical inspiration and allegory. While this is a tech focused show can you share some brief thoughts on Saga? Do any moments still stick with you? Or even to bring it back to DF, the technology of it?

C Nguyen

I guess I’d like to ask: if retro games were allowed to get dlc like games do today, what game would you like to see get a large expansion that’s almost as big as the game itself See for example Grandia Digital Museum or the Octo expansion for splatoon 2


Hello! Short and sweet last question: Your favourite Mega CD and 32X games? I've been colleting those lately and it's a wild ride. Thanks for all your hard work!