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Hello everyone! We are prepping for our weekly recording and you know what would make it even better? YOUR questions! That's right, we are seeking feedback and questions from our lovely supporters, so be sure to leave your comments and questions below. This week, we discuss a bit about Forza Horizon 5 and its biomes, the return (?) of Interplay, we take a look at the DLSS SDK and... we reveal this month's DF Retro. All this and more!





Are there any “holy grails” from offline CG rendering that you’re still waiting to be implemented in games? Personally, I’m still a bit disappointed with realtime fabric rendering relative to CG, as well as the state of water physics simulation.


When do you guys normally get the time to play games for yourself? For fun only. And how much does your work impact the actual enjoyment and fun of playing a game? Oh and also... What's so Fascinating about Cliptacular, Alex?

Jonas Taghizadeh (Taggen86)

1.Given the increasing number of streaming- based switch games, are you planning any performance and/or latency analyses? 2. Also, any plans for more FSR vs DLSS analyses now when we got games that support both?


Have you ever considered doing a series of videos covering the performance of emulation software on PC? Particularly that of more difficult to emulate consoles such as the PS3, 360, and Switch, which in recent years have become more viable.


I often hear talk about how pc games run bad on a low spec PC compared to a console due to games not being optimized for PC. So I'd like to hear your input about how much of this optimization is actually running functions differently than PC and how much of it is just more precisely tweaked graphical settings?


Are you excited to rerererevisit Mortal Shell now that the new expansion has been announced?


What are some of the more recent games out today that you most look forward to playing on high end hard hardware 5 to 10 years from now? Like MS Flight Simulator, Doom Eternal, or Crysis Remastered. What games do you wish you could to their absolute maximum fidelity?


I’m curious what y’all think about the longevity of the Steam Deck and devices like it. With the Steam Deck aiming for 30 FPS with currently available games how will that look 3+ years from now? All low settings and no effects like Raytracing? Or games without some form of DLSS or dynamic resolution being unplayable? And with companies like Feral Interactive cancelling some native Linux ports of games due to Valve’s push for Proton, does that mean that the idea of optimized ports for the Steam Deck is even less of a possibility?


Reposting this because of minor spelling mistakes. "Hello DF team, i was just wondering if this theory is possible. Warzone is taking a lot of space on people's hard drives because there's a lot of duplicate files, so that they can decrease on loading times (If I'm correct) Couldn't Activision optimise the game for current gen SSDs and possibly lower the file size by at least half?"


What are your opinions on how Nintendo is handling the latter end of the switch's life cycle? How do you feel they've handled it throughout? Their response, denying the existence of a pro model was disappointing to me and their online service isnt exactly up to current standards. They do deliver masterpieces, like breath of the wild, however, sometimes they just make those Nintendo decisions. As a lover of Nintendo, and as someone who supports them regardless, I'd like to hear your opinion on how they've handled the last couple years. Could it have been better? Thanks guys.


In previous generations there's been a tipping point where PC hardware outclasses console hardware to the point that it could offer gaming experiences that were simply impossible anywhere else. We didn't really see it last generation. However now that RT is the hot topic, could it happen again? Will the (still very impressive) RT performance of the consoles be left in the dust once AMD/Nvidia really hit their stride with hardware RT?


I'd love to hear the DF teams opinions about this also! I wonder if the older engine or code base can accommodate this. As it's a multiplatform game, and would probably require more work than profits allow. The pessimist in me says doubt it. But I hope!


Can i somehow link my YouTube to patreon so i can see exclusive videos through YouTube app or is it only possible to watch them from patreon site like ive been doing


Intel just renamed their nodes to be in line with TSMC/Samsung. I'm wondering if the DF crew can talk about Intel's roadmap back to semiconductor leadership and what impact they could have in the industry in terms of bolstering supply / making competitive GPUs of their own.


By now, both the LG CX and C1 support VRR down to 20hz. If this trend continues (and I don't see why it wouldn't) do you think that eventually console games will just straight up always offer unlocked framerates and let the display handle any inconsistencies?


Do you guys have a preference for dynamic tone mapping on your LG OLED? On, off or HGIG?


Either off or HGIG because the devices like consoles already do tone mapping. And HGIG works like off when there is no HGIG info. So HGIG should be the best option.


Did the promise of improved DLSS via driver updates ever come to fruition? It seems there some DLSS 2.X games which have a better version than others. The whole switching DLL files comes to mind. Also is there a way to use DLSS on eg raytraced reflections? Raytraying seems to take a hit to quality compared to the overall appearance of reconstructed DLSS image which trades blows with native resolution. Love your work keep it up!


Two separate questions here: Is the Steam deck primarily a way for Valve to try and push native Linux ports/development? And secondly - Alex mentioned a while ago that he was interested in doing a segment on Project Offset and the Offset Engine, a game that still blows my mind with what it was doing at that point in time. Is that something we're likely to see? Possibly tied in with any info available on Larrabee?


Is the latest Forza Horizon 5 footage from the PC version, correct? Has there been any confirmation from Microsoft on what its running on? We haven't seen it running on Series X, correct?


When will the Switch successor come out in?


If you guys decide to make a game called "Digital Foundry Simulator", which parts of your work would be best gamified?

Bryan McIntosh

Making a GPU review video would be a series of quicktime events where you have to hit the mark on time to deliver appropriate Richard hand gestures and trigger the Assassin's Creed Unity benchmark and choose an appropriate way to say that it's an old game but still informative. ;)

Bryan McIntosh

Interplay seems to only be Black Isle Studios and an IP holding company, a true shadow of its former self. If you could do a "getting the band back together" montage, though, which former Interplay development team/game would you want a sequel or spiritual successor to?


During this cross-gen period, we are (thankfully) actually seeing the majority of devs target 60fps on console, or at least adding a 60fps mode. As soon as this cross-gen period is over, do you think we will be back to being stuck in 1080p/30fps hell? Or do you think devs will still target higher framerates?

Jordan H.J.

Similar question to the one I put on last week but still interested to hear your opinions. Gaming is so focused on refresh rates, resolutions and ray tracing that some of the really exciting things like Physics and AI are getting left to the side. I can't remember something exciting happening in game physics since those PhysX cards. Do you think these kind of technologies, about the way game worlds feel rather than they look, will ever start to be at the forefront again?


Generally speaking, how does an Xbox Series X run on 1080p sets? Do they target 1080p at 60fps generally (automatically), or does the console render at the highest resolution and then downsample to 1080p. I probably will not be upgrading to a 4K|120 until June 2022 at the earliest. And as @TransTechGirl hypes - it will most likely be an OLED. YAY!


Would you guys ever be interested in covering more audio tech advancements on the channel? I'd be interested to see your take on what's under the hood of things like Dolby atmos, the tempest stuff sony is doing, etc. Tempest in particular has some pretty impressive spatial imaging going on that I find game changing! Much love keep up the hustle!


Watching the DF Retro Ex about the PS4 launch, and Rich says that he had the real scoop on how the 2012 Watch Dogs demo was run. When can the world know the truth that Rich holds?


Guys, with the rising popularity of old technology as a desirable alternative to modern advancement (for instance, MISTer, RetroTINK, and new expansions for 80's/90's computers such as the ZX Spectrum, Commodore Amiga,) Why do you think no-one has come forward with a boutique CRT product? Especially given the high prices these old tubes can go for nowadays? I'd imagine there could be some modernisation, specialisation and customisation that the modern retro community would love to see in a reliable, new design at a reasonable price?


I’ve had the same thought. I would love to see a Boutique CRT that has 4k and runs at 480hz. It shouldn’t be to hard considering the advancements in signal processing over the past few years.


I’ve had a chance to try DLSS and FSR in some of the games that recently received FSR updates and I can see clearly better image with DLSS at the same setting (which results in slightly faster FPS for AMD). Is there any way to properly compare the compute perf or quantify graphical quality delivered? Otherwise feels like we are not getting an accurate impression of experience delivered by each…


Following the Flight Sim port video, I’d like to know where you draw the line for “next gen”? Is there an imaginary personal baseline or is it completely arbitrary or irrelevant? Is it upscaled 4K with RT running at a minimum of 60fps? I’ve been wondering this as I’ve struggled to understand the logic Microsoft had for the decision to launch the Series S and a split two tier product strategy. If we are to move towards the future of game design past just frame rate and resolution improvements how can first party and 3rd party devs really implement structural improvements when having to accomodate the Series S’ technical restrictions?


Ok so you mentioned one game as a masterpiece, and it was a crossgen game, and launch title. Are there any other switch games you would consider masterpieces? Because personally, I think the switch generation has been pretty lackluster.


We are definitely a long, long way from the majority of console owners having vrr capable displays.


Personally I think they will at least offer unlocked framerates for people with vrr displays, if they don't include 60fps modes.


What do you guys think to the news that Forza 7 is being delisted? Do you think Microsoft is going back on it's word that first party games will always be available on Game Pass?

tod weitzel

You are a movie producer looking for a game (video, tabletop, other) property to option. BUT! You are doing the scheme from The Producers. What franchise would maximize the budget that a studio would give you, yet be so unfilmable no jury of your peers would convict when it failed? Properties Uwe Boll has already done this with are off the table.


Is the direct dropping soon? I haven’t started my weekend yet I promise