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It's Wednesday again and the DF Team contemplate the filming extravaganza that will be DF Direct Weekly #17 - which looks like being Rich, John, Audi and Alex in front of the camera. 

These are the topics we'll be talking about: AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR), Cyberpunk's return to the PlayStation Store, and the amazing news that Jonathan Frakes will be joining PUBG. Birthdays! Sonic, N64 and Quake share significant milestones. On top of that, we'll be talking DLSS 2.2, Lego Builders, Modern Warfare at 120Hz and PS5/Xbox Series back compat in general and much more.

Get your questions in now! We expect there'll be a ton on FSR and we aim to clear up as much as we can on that so feel free to ask us anything on this topic and indeed anything else that catches your fancy.


Jonas Taghizadeh (Taggen86)

Do you agree with others in the tech press that FSR is better than DLSS 1.0? Is it always worse than TAA upsampling or could it be better in some games/engines?


What's the meaning of life ?


Also I have a question, it was thought that game install sizes might drop this generation due to not having the limitations of spinning rust, do you think this will happen or will the difference be taken up with higher quality assets? Sub question for Alex, do you think that ray tracing will lead to a requirement for increasingly realistic assets so as not to detract from the realistic lighting?


Mainly for John L, were you able to sort the Dolby Atmos delay? :P


What are the chances of 120fps coming to other back compat games on PS4? Would the type of wizardry, that raven software has accomplished, be possible on other games? Does the build version on the original dev kit have an effect?


With DLSS and FSR in the news. If I can render an game natively at 1440p and 60fps+ wouldn’t it be better from an image quality to turn off these these features (DLSS or FSR)? Shouldn’t future more powerful machines make these features irrelevant to older games? Say I’m playing control on my nvidia RTX 6080. Or am I misunderstanding?


Yes and no. While they are solutions for hitting higher frame targets while maintaining visual fidelity. It's also a solution for when you don't wish to upgrade but are having issues hitting a frame target. These features will still be relevant as new hardware comes out, because of the new hardware, if that makes sense.


Question for Alex on FSR: Is there *any* circumstance where FSR will resolve an image with fewer artifacts than DLSS or TAA upscale? Would it be possible with a specific implementation to ditch TAA for another AA solution + FSR to eliminate the soft image TAA often produces?


Do you see a path forward for FSR 2.0 to provide significant improvement to image quality while maintaining its ease of integration and universality? Is there any way to achieve consistent quality across titles without deep learning or per-title “hand” tuning?


I second this. Thus far, on PS5, native titles appear to be relatively compact (likely due to HW decompression implemented in that system). I'm quite curious if the same applies to Xbox. As far as I remember, Direct Storage is supposed to include some way of accelerated decompression on both Xbox and Windows. But I don't have an Xbox, and DS is not yet available on PC.


What existing AA technologies does FSR most resemble? It sounds to me that it’s most like MSAA + a smart sharpening pass.


“Open wins” (more like people like free stuff); is there any way that DLSS can actually survive when the competition is inferior but “cheap” (easy to integrate and universal compatibility)?

Sven Dahlin

Tried this last week and I try again this week: We have seen games and demos (Minecraft, Quake, NVIDIA Marbles) implementing full path tracing and moving away from hybrid rendering. Path tracing can potentially bring CGI-levels of visual quality. Rendering could be massively parallelised (memory bandwidth might be an issue, though). But, moving to path tracing requires big changes in graphics hardware and in game development; it is a chicken or the egg situation. Do you think path tracing is the “endgame” for graphics in games, with rasterization disappearing altogether? If so, how many years/decades do you think the transition will take?


Hi there, DF Gang. This might have been answered already, but here we go. How long will we have to wait until Vulkan becomes the new standard API? We're already seeing big titles like Doom Eternal and Hades taking full advantage of Vulkan, which makes me wonder if OpenGL will eventually drop off, and if it happens, is the transition going to be smooth from a developer and consumer standpoint?


It seems that whenever there is a new generation of consoles the next-gen wow factor is always sought to be graphical and visual, i feel like this leaves up lots of other areas that games can improve upon with better hardware. Things like better physics simulations, better NPC AI, more complex gameplay systems, more interactivity with game worlds, i could be wrong but it seems that the degree to which graphics have improved is very detached from improvements in other areas, are these things fundamentally more difficult to improve upon? what do you think the reason we haven't been seeing features that are non-graphical and visual be show cases for next-gen power?


Looking back at older CG movies from the mid to late 2000s, there are some areas where games have reached or exceeded their quality. One area where games seem to be significantly behind however is the rendering of flexible, flowing materials like hair and clothing. Do you think the new consoles have the CPU power to pull off similarly impressive simulations, or is this an area that is just too expensive for real time rendering?


Are you going to cover the extended Xbox showcase/halo multiplayer interview? Maybe you're E3'd out :)


Would FSR finally be the key to allow the legendary Lichdom: Battlemage *echo effect* to run at 60fps on PS4 and Xbox One?


Being a kid of the 90s, the n64 was my console growing up and it pains me to see Nintendo neglecting its software library so much. What do you think is dictating Nintendo's business strategy here with regards to switch emulators etc. Cost? Effort? Technical limitations?


With the advent and proliferation of VRR displays, do you think we’ll start to see more granularity in console graphics settings, as on PC? I would love to have the option to up the fidelity in certain ways in exchange for less locked performance, since the drops would be largely unnoticeable.

sj33 (Jake)

Why did AMD opt to not include a temporal element to FSR? It was identified as an obvious shortcoming from the start, and ultimately the image quality results have been as expected. It seems like a careless mistake by AMD.


Hi, Do you think that the inclusion of ray traced reflections in multiplayer games could potentially offer some players an unfair advantage with the ability to see reflections of off-screen opponents?


I really liked your FSR video of course, it was easily the most informative of all the launch day reviews. One thing I particularly liked was the comparison to UE4 TAA U because the obvious downside to the "free performance for little image quality loss" promise of FSR is that it needs to be implemented into a game's engine, at which point a developer could also just choose to implement a superior temporal solution like TAA U. One thing though: While your video shows TAA U as clearly superior in terms of sharpness and detail resolve with no visible increase in aliasing in that one scene a different Youtuber docummented significantly more aliasing using that method in Godfall than FSR: https://youtu.be/E12PM6HeSNI?t=273 Can you guys comment on what might has caused that difference or better yet if FSR has any advantages (other than being available from AMD open source for implementation) compared to none DLSS temporal upscaling methods?


Do you have any plans to cover Lego Builders Journey? Without using DLSS and using max settings a 3080 can't hit 60FPS at 2560:1080, it looks amazing but a video covering the affects in play would be great.


Do you think we are facing a lost generation of third party games for next gen as financial and supply issues combine for developers and they rethink making their next gen games cross gen?


I'm noticing that Digital Foundry is being mentioned more and more in developer interviews, podcasts, blogs etc. Do you have any idea how DF is viewed within studios, and the effect your video and articles have - either pre-emptively or after a video is released? Do you think your reputation is that of Crazy Frog Racer (also available on GBA) or of Crysis?


Will there be any sort of comparison video of the recent Ninja Gaiden collection to their PS3 originals and/or the Itagaki-led Xbox versions of 1 and 2?


Really hope you can focus a bit more on Nintendo Switch coverage soon. Let's be honest, comparing PS5 and Series S/X multi-platform titles is... not that exciting. -and mostly just riles up the worst fan-boys out there anyway. On the other hand, figuring out how Subnautica, Ninja Gaiden and the Doom Eternal DLC runs on a severely underpowered platform is a lot more interesting. Well, to me anyway. So, are you planning on getting back to the Switch?


It seems some viewers are displeased that you took a more critical approach to FSR and raised the question of "Why this technology when other potentially better ones exist already?" I saw one Tweet along the lines of "all of these outlets said good things, but DF was critical." As if that's a bad thing! Is this trend of needing to choose a side and stick up for your 'team' worrying in the industry? My perspective is that this often drowns out genuine concerns and may even stifle progression.


Not a specific technical question, but I just wonder if rich could reflect on the journey that tech comparisons have made since digital foundry started its face off articles in the late 00s. I remember some really amateur efforts at that time from other websites that occasionally gave wrong technical information, it really feels like DF has brought a rigour to the comparison industry that wasn't there before, and I think it's directly effected the ways games are made - last gen was a tonne more stable than PS3/360 and I think a bit part of that is down to the work that you guys do on democratising access to the tech behind games. With that in mind, what do you think is next?


What are the team’s thoughts on the Elden Ring trailer? The tech doesn’t look too different from recent From games, but the open world mechanic might make the last/gen consoles sweat, especially given From’s somewhat clumsy optimization.


If you had to guess, what game(s) do you expect to be the first to implement DirectStorage? I think that it will probably be Microsoft titles. Forza Horizon 5 is a fair contender, seeing the level of detail present in the XSX version. Would you agree, or can you think of other titles?


Will you cover the Atari VCS 2020 console on Digital Foundry?