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Hey everyone, Rich here - just a quick post! Sony sent us review code for Shadow of the Colossus this week, and John has produced some stunning video we'll be rolling out over the next few days.

Our coverage kicks off with a look at the game running via its 4K output mode with HDR enabled, before we move on to an extended edit with all the comparisons, tech analysis and performance metrics you need (spoilers on the last point: both 30fps and 60fps modes are *extremely* good).

In the here and now, we're sort of in that bizarre No Mans Land where we give YouTube a 4K HDR file to encode and it sits on it for hours, sometimes even days, before that final 2160p60 output appears for viewing. As I write this, it's still stuck on 1080p60. 

But hey, our Patreon supporters have access to the source video file, so consider the YT embed on this page a preview, and go grab the 2.2GB download for the full fat experience: https://www.digitalfoundry.net/2018-01-27-4k-hdr-shadow-of-the-colossus-ps4-remake




Weird, MPC-HC+madVR is too slow to read this. I also tried VLC and it's also too slow. Furthermore the SDR conversion is bugged. I see a greyish image with MPC-HC. The only player working correctly and smoothly is the default windows 10 player! HDR tonemapping is rightly done.


About the video, it's spot on. The game looks fantastic and I'm looking forward seeing more videos from John.


DF: Could you upload 1440p/1080p version of this?