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Hey guys, just as I had hoped, the episode is now live and ready for downloading for all Patrons!

Be sure to let me know what you guys think! Very interested in discussing it.


DF Retro's Failed Consoles: We Play Every 32X Game [Part One]

Part one of a two-part DF Retro special! John plays every single game available for Sega's mushroom-shaped disaster - the Sega 32X, or Mega Drive 32X. And not only that, but each title has platform comparisons where available, plus a full breakdown of wh...


Shart Carbuncle

I greatly enjoyed this! I've always been partial to failed systems (I still have my original Jaguar CD and 3DO), but I don't have much experience with the 32X. It's interesting to see how wildly variable the games were; looking at the quality that AM2 was able to bring, you have to imagine that others would have been able to do great stuff had the system stuck around long enough for people to dig deeper into it.

Shart Carbuncle

PS At first I thought the high quality video on df.com would be wasted on 32X games, but that high bitrate is actually a real boon with the noisy dithering, sharp edges and fast motion. Now I want to run this video through the framemeister with scan lines turned on to get the full effect. I'm looking forward to seeing the CD 32X games next time. They've always been on my radar as something I want to collect someday, because they're such weird mutants.


Really enjoyed this! The 32X always fascinated me as I never got to play one back in the day as I was a SNES owner rather than megadrive. Looking forward to part 2!


Watched the episode with my brother, interesting stuff, only time I played a 32X game was at a big store when I was a kid. I had never heard of Tempo ! The Wolfenstein homebrew/port looks amazing. I've always been a fan of Chaotix's graphics, sad to hear it's gameplay is bad. I'm looking forward to part 2 :)


thanks for the technical details. so even with the 32X do you think it would have been impossible to do ports of late snes action games with lots of color? like yoshis island, or seiken Densetsu 3 on the 32X?


Your work is unreal. I'm so glad you guys are around. DF Retro is absolutely brilliant, and I love that the intro tune is the start up music from a Sega Saturn, which is one of my favorite consoles of all time.


Loved every minute of it!