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Hey guys, John here!

Wanted to share some info about upcoming episodes. We are working on something that's kind of a surprise (we'll share when ready) but, beyond that, I have some news on upcoming Retro videos.

For the next episode I've decided to tackle the first in what should become a series on "Failed Consoles" started with the Sega 32x. I want to delve into the hardware to demonstrate what it was and was not capable of while sharing just about the entirety of the library with you. It should be a fun an interesting episode!

Doom is still in the cards but I've pushed it back to accommodate others that will contribute (in the form of a podcast). I've been talking with someone that has worked on one of the ports so it could be very interesting!

Still thinking about a room tour as well in the future but filming it will take some real thought so I don't want to rush that.

Anyways, just wanted to share a small update to give you an idea of where we're heading next! The rest of the crew has their collective heads down working on new content as well!



Well this should be interesting. I'm one of the seven people who actually owned a 32X back in the day. I only ever got a couple of 32X specific titles though. I know I had the Star Wars arcade title which we ended up returning because of how short it was. And I had some mech game the title of which I have zero recollection. I just remember finding it extremely difficult at the time. EDIT: Doing a quick Google search I see that Metal Head is the title I'm thinking of. Checked out a quick youtube video to refresh my memory and there's a good bit of speech in there for a cartridge!


Looking forward to this! I still have my 32X and a bunch of games: Doom, Star Wars Arcade, Virtua Racing Deluxe, Cosmic Carnage, Metalhead and Virtua Fighter (and maybe a couple of others). Please make sure you cover the additional (and underused) sound capabilities of the 32X. There's two great videos here with information on that: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGy7HBG3I1c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGy7HBG3I1c</a> and <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHgd_nu4m8o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHgd_nu4m8o</a>


Oh yeah, the 32x audio was definitely not exploited very well. Some games, like After Burner II, made full use of the chip but many games used the PWM audio capabilities exclusively for drums or other basic sounds. Far too many 32x games shipped with straight up Genesis FM synth (often poorly programmed).