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Hello there! It's that time again - the weekly post where I detail plans for the upcoming DF Direct Weekly and ask our Supporters for their input into the show.

Amusingly, I scanned my usual news feeds for potential discussion points and literally came up empty, but we've gradually managed to get a decent range of news topics available. In the wake of Starfield, Elden Ring and Dragon's Dogma 2, we'll be asking whether VRR is becoming increasingly essential for console gaming, before we move on to other topics.

The discussion points in question? We'll be discussing Mark Cerny's comments about being pleasantly surprised about adoption of RT and 60fps as a baseline standard for the generation. We'll also be discussing Sony's announcement that it's ending consumer support for writable BD media, and lamenting the hand-wavery employed in the latest Elden Ring patch notes that apparently 'improves performance'.

Anything else of interest we should be talking about? Let us know below.

And of course, as usual, we're very interested in your questions for the Supporter Q+A section - and feel free to ask anything and everything, not just for possible inclusion in this Direct, but also the next episode of DF InDirect too!




Sirs, Is it possible to get a decent technological leap out of the PS Quintuple Professional by dint of beefier GPU plus (Back in the) PSSR? If PSSR is some kind of mystical Cerny juice couldn't they run games at an even lower resolution internally? Cheers!


Greetings and salutations! If someone were to ditch consoles all together and switch over to PC, would it be more cost-effective in the long run to focus on having a higher-end CPU and more RAM, but a mid-range GPU, or just max out the system specs as high as budget allows and hope it lasts a long time before requiring upgrades? With the way developers focus on consoles as the lead platform, I would think that a higher end CPU and more RAM would get you through a few "generations" before needing replacement, whereas GPUs could need a replacement sooner as updates to APIs and new capabilities get introduced.