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Pretty uneventful weekend for us, just the way we like it. We decided to dip our toes into the Alan Wake-verse and ended up seeing the first game to the end. I'm a big fan of the original Max Payne 1 and 2, but I never played Alan Wake. It was... neat? I think conceptually, under certain readings, I like the game. I like the idea of it, anyways. In execution though... it's messy. The gameplay and dialogue both get extremely repetitive, and I kind of wish it committed even harder to its unreliable narrator in the character of Alan Wake himself. We'll be playing Control next because apparently it's both Very Good and also ties into the Alan Wake story in some way. Gonna boot that game up immediately after this blog post, actually.

See you on Friday!



Opus the Poet

Who else is remembering "Elvis Was a Narc" or am I the only one here that old? https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=zIcy8ZgAt3k


Lol, that was great. I've never heard of it till now so I'm glad that you brought it up. Instant classic in my mind.

Justin Wood

Sorry for the late reply on this, but you might also want to run through Alan Wake's American Nightmare while you're at it. Potentially Quantum Break as well, though it's less tied to things. Control is great though, very weird, very off-putting, very Swede. EDIT: And to talk about this page, I see the king is getting a bit down in the dumps. Time to share his tragic tale?