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God, I love how this page came out. This encapsulates our whole aesthetic – funny, cute, AND incredibly lewd. Leslie did such an amazing job~

Speaking of which, Leslie’s all better now! Yeah, it was just a bad sinus infection. Just needed to rest and take it easy and play Planet Zoo and mess with the cats. This weather has been absolutely horrible, though. 80% humidity here in our swamp. Our phone says it feels like 100 degrees outside, and it’s 9:00 PM at night with no sign of sunlight. It SUCKS. Just have to survive until fall, even as our lawn grows and overtakes our house. It’s too damn hot to mow! It’s too damn hot to do anything!

Except play video games, of course. They added a fat baby seal to Team Fortress 2, so Leslie and I are reinstalling and playing that as soon as this page goes up. Which is now!

Thanks for being so patient! See you on Monday!



Jac Gibson

It's really cool how yall can make such a lewd scene also so heart warming and sweet. Honestly this comic has really affect how I view sex for the better. Amazing work as always


1) I'm glad Leslie is doing better! 2) I fucking love this comic. I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's the perfect combo of wholesome and sexy. I never want this to end and I also want to be a part of it. lol


Rock Cocks is probably my favorite NSFW media. It's sexy, it's heartfelt, it's the perfect comic to binge once every other month. Love all the characters and the new relationships they form with one another. Hats off to Elizabeth for a massive 180° since we first met her! ♡


Absolutely stunning page 😍! The perspective, the kiss, the cute and lewd and lovely! AH 👌!

Aeryn Light

Lewdly wholesome. <3


Let them kiss more ❤️


"Are you ok" meanwhile Suria with the biggest, most satisfied and pleasured grin ever seen on a person


So happy leslie feels better whoo!! And elizabeth? Good for her fr fr, go off girl

Volant Caedis

Hell yes! Leslie is better! We love you Leslie! Also omg that smug look on Suria's face in the first panel is fucking priceless and I love it If you guys ever made a discord server that face should be an emoji

Alysflowers xx

This page actually brought some tears to my eyes. 🤤