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Hey everyone! Unfortunately, Leslie's been sick this weekend and we weren't able to get a page done. It's nothing serious, just the weather over here has done a number on Leslie's sinuses. Part of living in a particularly humid climate - a sudden weather shift can fill your head full of gunk, put a ton of pressure on your face, and just make you extremely tired. I'm luckier in that I just got an itchy throat from this weather change, but that just means I can take care of Leslie during this trying time. Doctor Brad has prescribed Leslie lots of rest, home-cooked meals, and Planet Zoo. Sorry for the delay, but we'll be back on Friday!

Though on a related note, we'll be doing our first ever just straight up retcon of some previously relayed story information in Rock Cocks. Rather than traveling to Miami, Florida, the gang will instead be traveling to Atlanta, Georgia. We've edited the previous pages where that was established to reflect this change, which would be the ones I uploaded above.

As for why we've made that change... I can't deny that the current political landscape has made it a uh, awkward prospect to write our polyamorous LGBTQ+ rock group to travel to and party in. A Florida chapter has been planned since the beginning of this comic, but considering these characters and ourselves as creators, it's just not something we're comfortable with at this time. Maybe in the future? Who knows.

But beyond geopolitics, we also realized that there's some really fun story opportunities using Atlanta as a setting. While we can't divulge TOO much without spoiling anything, we came up with some very fun ideas for what the gang can do in Atlanta, and a certain upcoming character's connection to the city. We're really excited about it - so much so that once this chapter is over, Leslie and I are planning to take a road trip there for some reference scouting! We haven't done reference scouting since, well, the evacuation trip that landed us in Arkansas and inspired this whole camping arc. We're excited to hit the road again and take some pics to help build this next Rock Cocks chapter!

That's all for now, though. See you on Friday!




Get well, everyone! A neti pot is your friend!


Come on over to Atlanta!!!! We got the fun here.


Hope you get well soon! As a born and raised Florida Man who now loves overseas, its so sad to see what's happened to my home state. Totally reasonable to say this group of adorkable degenerates wouldn't necessarily head there right now.


Heyyy!!!! Im from GA and this is an AWESOME retcon!

Erich Fiedler

I'm okay with this retcon, Florida is not safe for anyone who isn't a cis white man, especially when it's fascist loving governor is running for President (and doing sucking so badly at it, his campaign might as well be dead in the fucking water)


Omg that's so fucking awesome, thank y'all so much 🙏 I'm from Atl and heavily LGBTQ+ so this actually means a lot lol They have such great dungeons and nightclubs and odd basement places and just 1000 little holes in the walls. Get well soon Leslie!


very exciting retcon! would love to see the rock cocks play for stop cop city.... 👀


Based (get well soon)


As someone who lives in South Florida, I'm fine with this change. I hate that the state has divulged into a place of ignorance and bigotry, and as a LGBTQ+ Person of color, I will not stand for it. I hope you guys get well soon and I hope I can get out of here ASAP.


As someone who lives in Florida... I get it. Dakota is just following the do not travel warning at this point. I like to imagine Rock Cocks exists in the past and/or future where Florida is accepting though. But honestly I've been to Atlanta more than I've been to Miami, so have fun on your trip and I look forward to the chapter!

Richard J. Pugh

Atlanta used to have an active music scene, and may still. I haven't kept up. Perhaps we can have cameos from members of REM or the B-52's?


Yey! I live in Atlanta; I can't wait!

Josh Ballard

Atlanta's been the center of the hip-hop universe for decades now - that's its musical calling card anymore so i'd expect something involving another old client of Seth's...

Don Sanders

ATL has a three story club with Heaven at the top, Purgatory in the middle, and Hell on the bottom. I'm sure you can use real places but that might be inspirational.

Ben Burch

We love Florida and were married there 24 years ago. Our plans were to go there for our 25th. That has changed.


Honestly, I'd just say keep Miami and use it for drama? The band themselves, crew excepting, are like. "het-passing". It could be interesting to see Sterling and Georgie try to appear uninvolved, and demand the others do the same. Increases the drama between Suria and Sterling, makes the others feel like dogshit, but ultimately they refuse to be suppressed and end up getting a nice thing going for queer people, and lock horns with cops, which Sterling then twists into good publicity.


Geopolitics in a sex comic. Damn. I knew my autistic obsessive study of GeoPol was going to come in handy, but not THIS handy.