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Is it character development if your character doesn't want to give some head? Not in this comic, it ain't!

I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seat from that last post, but don't worry, everyone! I was FINALLY able to mow the lawn. We got just enough of a break between this pouring rain to let the ungodly heat dry up the lawn just enough. It was absolutely miserable, though. It's 94 degrees here, but humidity bumps it up to 114. I nearly pulled a Suria and passed out from heat stroke. Like, seriously, hardest I've ever been out of breath in a while. Seriously thought I'd collapse. But it's mowed, and I can finally rest easy... And in fact, I kinda have to. All my bones hurt from all that lawnmower pushing. I probably should have specified we have a pushmower. Damn, my wrist hurts.

See you on Monday!



Volant Caedis

Mowing in summer sucks. I live in Central Queensland in Australia so I get it. But it feels better once it's done. This will be an interesting development. I have a couple of trans friends and normally their dysphoria prevents them from letting anyone go down on them.

Marcel Dizon

Everyone gets to have a learning experience 😌


Summer is just the worst month sometimes. I'm not sure Dakota could say no to that


Chekov's fellatio

Opus the Poet

Send some of that rain up to Dallas, we need the moisture. N TX is 9" behind in rainfall for the year. I could lose a bike tire down some of the cracks in my lawn.


YES! ahem I mean, if you like, sure, that’s fine with me.



Richard J. Pugh

Recall that a few strips back, Liz's thought train was about "returning the favor." It's payback time.


Next time have a cold wet towel on your head!! And hydrate so much! If The Ground Is Dry, You Is Dry. Love the panic/startle these two have in this strip 😂


Why does this make my heart so damned happy?! Oh, Dakota, please say yes <3 Please!