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It's been fucking WEEKS of just nonstop rain here in our part of Louisiana. WEEKS. Every day there's just been a massive downpour of rain that soaks everything and makes the lawn completely unmowable. Our grass is growing wild and the weeds are getting taller than me. It SUCKS. Every time I look at the weather tracker, it's rainclouds as far as the eye can see, always stretching out into next week! And the week after! And the week after that one! PLEASE, JUST LET ME MOW! I'M BEGGING YOU! I NEED TO MOW THE LAAAAWWWWN

What you've just read is the graphic depiction of a man cursed by his bloodline, slowly mutating into a boomer-ass mid-30s dad-like person. Despite not having any children and only having a kitten named Pickle, he is ruled by his desires to mow the lawn and buy a grill for his patio. He fusses endlessly over the soundbar settings, constantly tinkering until it sounds just right, until he repeats that process again several times every month. His back hurts and he has a special beer pouring technique that he swears makes it taste better, even if it doesn't.
He is...
The Brad-Dad.
See you on Friday!




Remove the grass. Plant moss. Needs almost no upkeep.


So beautiful and so goddamn HOT.

Hugo The Marvelous

1) shocked at how so few frames an make me crave female flesh! Brava/bravo! 2) get a scythe. It will help with the grass until it's dry enough to push a mower. I live on the Bayou in Texas so I hear you.


Isnt there a hurricane tropic storm passing through the southern coast now? I just got some lawn work here. It is finally dry enough to mess with the rats nest that is the backyard. Only problem is the heat now lol.


~🎶"Lemme suck yo titties baby"🎶~

Chris Crowther

"I want to mow the lawn" sounds like a euphemism...


Love the first pannel ♡♡♡


Dakota between Lizzys Boobies ist so breathtaking

Nick B.

Yasss, Dakota!! Work them nipples like you know how!!!

Alysflowers xx

But what's the secret technique for flavor?


Careful. I kept worrying about when I can mow the lawn and suddenly I realize my wife is 9 months pregnant, and I'm about to become a 32 year old father... thats how it works right?... what your mean sex makes babies?... oh I guess that explains it. Nevermind.