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Hey guys. I'm sorry to have to do this again, but unfortunately, our chihuahua Bruce isn't doing too well. His health and mental state has been deteriorating fast over the last month, and he's now in a state of constant trembling. He's having trouble eating and using the bathroom, and actually now gets horribly anxious when either of us leave to go the bathroom. The medication we received now barely works even at double dosage (vet recommended).

We've made the decision to put him to sleep this coming Monday. We'll be spending this weekend on the couch with him, giving him lots of love and going on car rides and giving him all his favorite treats. We want to make sure his last few days are as good as we can give him.

Bruce was a rescue dog who's been with us these last 7 years. He's had a million little weird quirks that have made him the biggest hassle we've ever experienced, but there's no denying he isn't the sweetest, most affectionate little guy you'd ever see. He was always happiest just sitting on on one of laps, head against our chest. We're going to miss that toothless, neurotic weirdo.

Thanks everyone. It's been a...challenging summer, to say the least. I think we'll take a small trip somewhere after Monday. Not sure where, just get out of the house for a bit. In the meantime, a new Demon's Layer chapter from me and my bud skelebutt has gone live on slipshine.net, and Leslie and I are working with a pal at BareBottom Games on a cute lewd nudie game. You can check that out here - patreon.com/roshutsu

Sucks that all this had to coincide with this stuff happening with Bruce, but it is what it is. Talk again soon!



Sending love


Couple weeks ago I had to do the same to my 19 year old cat I'm so sorry it's one of the hardest things I had to ever do. She was having panic attacks and going to the bathroom outside her litterbox entire family was crying. I'm so sorry this is happening to you guys and Bruce but you are making the right decision for your puppy


Sorry to hear, always a tragedy for it to get to this point.

Sousuke Beru

My wife and I went through the exact same thing just three months ago with our dog. You have our deepest sympathies.


Lots of love


Rest in paradise, Bruce - I can tell that sweet pup has lived a life full of love and happiness with you!! Take all the time you need!!


So sorry for your loss! Take all the time you need.

Nicholas A. Jalowick

I'm so sorry. A loss like this is always terrible. I'm just glad that Bruce had good owners like you, who always took care of him and gave him so much joy while he was here. Rest easy, Bruce.


I also had to say my final goodbyes to a beloved pet on Monday. My thoughts and love are with you and Bruce…


Dude I had a moment similar to this. May Bruce experience the best and be happy and at peace in the arms of his rescuers.


I'm sure you filled Bruce's life with love, and I'm sure he returned it. You're doing the right thing to keep him from further suffering, even though it's hard on you.