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Whew, what a busy week. Time to rest up and relax. Definitely don’t have anything planned tomorrow evening. No big reveals, nothing to keep an eye on my twitter page for, nope. Just gonna be an uneventful, chill weekend where I don’t announce anything special.

See you on Monday!



Mystic Mind

A beautiful view, indeed! And the scenery is pretty, too :P.


If this turns out to be a double bluff and there actually is nothing to reveal is2g 🤣 Hot water goes left iirc. Unless it is just flow only and the temp is static. What an exposed shower lol

Justin Wood

I'm anticipating Liz accidentally turning it to cold and giving her body quite the jolt!


Considering what they usually get up to, a cold shower might help.


She looks so cute in that third panel!


Can't wait for this incredibly chill weekend where nothing happens and no one announces anything


Wow, the art for these last few pages has been so beautiful. But this page in particular is just awesome.

Opus the Poet

I'm familiar with this kind of shower from camping groups I'm associated with, and they're impossible to keep clean like that. They accumulate blown dust that turns into mud when using the shower unless they're scrubbed and rinsed regularly. A push broom and a hose will be sufficient to keep the floor clean, no soap or detergent needed, but it has to get done regularly.

Fred Baker

For a place that’s supposed to be deserted, it seems like there’s someone who’s maintaining it. I guess Coral and Clover could have left the towels and stuff, but otherwise it just doesn’t seem like that stuff pops up without a caretaker putting it there.

Ben Burch

Well, the club, wanting the place to still be there next season, would have somebody looking in on it.