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Whew, anyone else thirsty? It's been a very productive week for us over here! I've written like 80 pages between Rock Cocks, Erotech and Demon's Layer, we've gotten more work done on our back deck, and we've been marathoning Final Fantasy X! Leslie never really got into Final Fantasy until XIV, and I've been on a pilgrimage to play through the entire series. So far we've beaten 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 (at least up to the current patch) and 15. We're getting pretty close to completing the whole mainline series! FFX is an especially interesting one. Though it definitely has aged in a lot of ways and is neither as engaging as IX or narratively ambitious as VII, it's still a very interesting game with a fun cast. It's my second time experiencing the game and Leslie's first, but we're having a good time going through it (even if it's REALLY easy to make fun of).

See you on Monday!






Well good news for Lizzie: he likes her. He also would communicate. She'll give him the best orgasms I'm sure. She's finding out how relationships should be


Glad you're enjoying a trip through the series! Gotta make sure you get V and VI in there as well, the Pixel Remasters have been really good, but if you want all the extra content then the GBA versions are best. They're two of best in the series!


Ok hands down best Dakota panel in the comic

Don Sanders

It's Chekhov's gun. If you load it, it has to go off!

A Guy

No FF6? But that's the best one! Yes I will ramble about ancient JRPG's in the comments for a cute smutty comic. What of it?


I'm about halfway through FFV and just started FFVI! But it's the Pixel Remaster versions on our phone so it's a bit harder to experience those together than say, FFX on the couch. FFVI was also a hard find back in the day for me and sadly, just never got around to playing a ROM or rerelease 'til now. But god damn, it's IMMEDIATELY charming as hell. Can't wait to play more!


Elizabeth’s thoughts are going down the right path. She just needs to act on her desires.

Oli Platt

Oooo I'm super stoked for the new pages of demon's layer!!


I really loved ff15. Especially the voice of the male villain. I play in Germany so I heard the german voice. Great Charakter 😍


She wants that pretty boy.

A Guy

FFVI is sooo gooood. 7 gets all the love, but 6 is all kinds of great. Though if you're going on a Final Fantasy binge, you might as well work in Chrono Trigger at some point, as that's even BETTER, and ... yeah. Also I'm reminded of the couple of FF6 comics from MoJ, which were kinda fun. Though we all know Brad & Leslie are too principled to draw horny fanart of a video game they like! ;)

Alysflowers xx

What a wonderful week~ See you guys for another sexy one. 🍋👌


she is going to fuck him no doubt in my mind