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Hope you had a happy holiday weekend! Leslie and I mostly spent today working on Rock Cocks and trying to get our pest control situation down. Unfortunately, living out in the woods means you've got a lot of bugs making homes in your yard. Poor Bruce got his little dog legs chewed up by ants this morning! And now we've got carpenter bees putting holes in our back deck! Basically, we're at war with bugs now. Luckily in the fictional world of Rock Cocks, you can wander the woods completely naked without ever having to deal with a single bug! They all died and scientists figured out a way to replace them with nanomachines or something. They also invented permanent white hair dye. That's canon now, it's done. Hold it against me in interviews. Use this post as proof of degrading quality if you ever see so much as a honeybee in our comic some 800 pages later. No bugs. EVER. God, this passionfruit hard seltzer I'm drinking is DELICIOUS, I could drink 10 more. Only 5% alcohol!

See you on Friday!





Daniel S

Spin-off comic “Liz and Dakota: The Quest for Clothes” premiering NOW


Oh no... I'm concerned at where this is going, since Sterling forced her to make the call. Please just let this remain a pleasant moment, I just want them to be happy while they can.

Bailey Tighe

I wonder if this ship will sail?


Currently adding nanomachines to the rock cocks iceberg


NOT trying to be an asshole, just think the “no bugs” train of thought is a really fun one to ride out: do we think honey exists in the Rock Cocks universe? Is that synthesized, too? “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Honey TM”?


Just sitting here in my chair, 100% naked, letting the wholesomeness of this comic envelope me like the refreshing breeze of a fan on a summer afternoon.




A war with nature is often a war you can't win. Hope you find a solution. These two. Is2g. They're alongside each other now. I await the subconscious hand brush and then hand holding.

Mystic Mind

This is what I love about Rock Cocks. We can have naked sexy times, but we can just have naked wholesome cute times, too! Keep up the amazing work =D.


Came for the sexy comics, stayed for the description rant hahaha. Best of luck on your war on bugs!

Eric R S Castillo

I do think Sterling is gonna have a lot of explaining to do about his deal with Scarlett and making Elizabeth do that

Trekkie Monster

I kind of hope Elizabeth herself making that reveal, in the context of giving Sterling the dressing-down he deserves. I really hope she calls him Seth. I really, really hope she swears, something I don't think she's done in her ~800 pages of existence.

Ben Burch

I love where this is going.

Richard J. Pugh

Scarlett? Who's that? (I'm new to this shindig, so some details still elude me.)