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Pretty uneventful weekend, which is good news for us. Bruce's medicine is still working and keeping him MOSTLY chill (still has little fits of anxiety, but that's pretty normal for him). Just been writing Rock Cocks pages while Leslie learns more Blendr and 3D modeling stuff. Have I told you how fucking cool Leslie is lately? Because god damn, it's seriously amazing how well Leslie can just pick up and learn literally anything, whether it's coding, foreign languages, music...Just the absolute greatest.

Before I sign off, my Slipshine co-editor suggested I open up an instagram for Rock Cocks. You can check it out here! Not really much here yet, and I admit I'm not great when it comes to social media stuff, but I'll be posting high-res panels there occasionally if you want to check it out or get reminders for comic updates. I'd like to try and stay more active on social media when it comes to Rock Cocks stuff and give people options outside of twitter. If you got any suggestions for me, let me know!

See you on Friday!




Aww, that look Dakota gives her ^_^


First 3D modeling and then...figures. Imagine a figure of Steg and/or Suria for a shelf? Just saying.


Dakota has it so bad for Elizabeth. Can't say I blame him though.


HAHA. Same, Dakota. Same. 😂


Dakota ur gaze is wandering


[narrator]Elizabeth will not have something to wear by the time of the video call.[/narrator]


Dunno why she has to get dressed for a video call with Sterling, it's a 50/50 chance he wouldn't be dressed. In fact I very much he will be 😂


That couple are sooooo cute! So fucking wholesome and such wholesome fucking!

Hugo The Marvelous

Am I wrong in wanting Dakota fully nude too?

Joshua Skaug

He is a f/m trans boy who binds his chest so he'd be uncomfortable showing off his entire body like that.

Hugo The Marvelous

Joshua. Understandable and respectable. Doesn't mean I can't want to see it. I may not get it and it's is Dakota's decision.


That rationale would hold more weight if he weren't walking around with his vag out.


i have no bottom dysphoria but so much top dysphoria, it tracks

Oli Platt

Not necessarily! Some transmasc folks have top dysphoria and next to zero bottom dysphoria. But i wouldn't be surprised if at some point we see Dakota without his binder on. Or perhaps -- hear me out -- a mesh binder so we can see the nipples 👁️👄👁️