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Here's this month's pin ups! Click here to see all the previous pics!  

These were ALSO made with 3D tools! Leslie made an entire 3D grass field in Unreal Engine with a mannequin model to properly line up Georgie and Coral in proper perspective. Then it was imported directly into Clip Studio for Leslie to draw over. The grass and clouds were customized brushes too, and all these things in conjunction came together to make the art you see NOW! Aren't these tools so cool?! And Leslie's the coolest for learning how to do this! Leslie's even teaching themselves Blendr to make their own custom 3D models because Leslie's always learning cool-ass new skills. We're seriously excited over how we can use these for future pages and pin ups. SO MANY NEW POSSIBILITIES!

Thanks again, and see you soon with more Rock Cocks!




I thought those pinups looked a little too unreal..


Rain effects aren’t easy to do well. Unless you’re Leslie, apparently.

Fred Baker

I especially like the one of Coral in the rain. So good!