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Patreon rewards TOMORROW! I was actually struggling to come up with what this month’s Singles comic would be about, but it finally hit me! Tomorrow, we’ll be revisiting some old friends we haven’t seen for quite some time now in the comic! Can you guess who? I mean, I’m sure you can, there’s not THAT many characters. We’re also extremely happy with this month’s pin ups, but that’s going to be a surprise for tomorrow~

See you then!



Michael Butchin

Awwwww! I'm hoping and cheering so hard for Elizabeth right now! 🥰🤣

Mystic Mind

I really hope Liz allows Clover and Coral to be naked here! Hell, I hope she chooses to get naked here, herself! We will see, but this is a beautiful place from the description and art alone =D.


Yesss! This is it! Take it off Lizzie! Take it off and be free!


I’m with everyone else here. I’m hoping Elizabeth can drop her inhibitions and not just encourage C+C to get naked, but get naked herself.


Oh, and I’ve got to say I love how Leslie handles the color and light in the first panel with the light coming through the trees. That’s beautiful.

Daniel S

Do it, Elizabeth. DOOOO IIIIIT.


Go girl, let that freak flag fly!