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Feeling better after Friday, but still pretty anxious. Nice to see some consequences taking place, though justice is a lot slower than I'd hope. At least we made a really cute page, though!

ALSO, CHECK OUT THIS TINY SURIA SCULPTURE! Our friend Nalem made it and shipped it to us as a surprise gift! It's so small and CUTE! She's even got her tattoos and everything! I'll post it on twitter later, but I wanted you all to see it first!

See you all on Friday with another page, barring some catastrophic political event!



Daniel Siegfried

Man, this lady has a backstory if I've ever seen one

Valley Dweller

Between Elizabeth in this page and the awesome Suria sculpture - Almost more cute in one shot than a person can handle!!!!

Jayne Lindgren

Honestly, I don't even think she needs some ultra-repressed background or anything. American culture is weird about sex, where it's both appealed to a lot in advertising and media, but also treated as inherently shameful. So even "sex-positive" media has a wink-wink-nudge-nudge vibe to it, as if it's teens trading old Playboys in an attic while the parents are gone. Whereas more indie media like webcomics (example: Rock Cocks) treats it much more naturally, as just something people do with each other (or alone!) and there's nothing inherently wrong with liking it or not liking it. (Obviously, this comic is focused on people for whom it's a bigger part of their lives than most) So I can totally see Elizabeth having a 100% average American suburban upbringing and thus being very hesitant to allow herself to like sex and sexy stuff on its own merits. Because she's internalized the shame that society pushes on people, particularly women.


Elizabeth’s going to have a hard time containing her exhibitionist streak.

Aeryn Light

It's okay, Elizabeth, let them know you enjoy watching! :D

Volant Caedis

She's so tsundere about it... stop, I can't handle the cute.

Chris Crowther

I am pretty sure just being herself would make her fit in even better.


Whoa I didn’t know you guys were friends with Nalem! I stumbled upon on them on Instagram and they did a really cool Sonic commission for me :) Small world we live in. What a cute sculpture!


She needs to just let her freak flag fly.