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Hey everyone. Just letting you all know that we'll be back on Monday with our Rock Cocks update.

The rest of this post will focus on depressing political drama and our anxieties consuming us, so if this is something you're already upset about yourself and you'd like to not further depress yourselves and be reminded of the failings of the United States of America, I get it and feel free to click out.

Just...a fucking insurrection. Any time we think that it can't get worse, it does. Any time we think they can't go lower, they do. And even on a day we THANKFULLY managed to win the senate, they retaliate with actual fucking terrorism. It's terrifying. There won't be any healing in this country. They just won't allow it. They will fight to the fucking death for a man who could not give less of a shit about them. It's sickening. It's disturbing. It's TERRIFYING.

And what's worse is that we're sitting here, just waiting for any sort of retribution. For any sort of justice. We've waited all day, and all we've been given are vague legal threats with no action. Arrests only just trickling in, despite the ACTUAL TERRORISM fucking LIVESTREAMED by them. They had ZIPTIES. Some of them were planning EXECUTIONS. It's horrifying knowing what they were able to accomplish, how much worse it could have actually been, and where can we even possibly go from here.

Leslie and I just sat here in a perpetual state of fear and anguish. Just the weight of everything fell down and crushed us emotionally. We're deep, deep, deep in the south. We're surrounded by those flags on all four roads surrounding us, some of them even flying proudly outside of our family's houses. I've spent 4 years now trying to convey the fear and anxiety I've had that has now become worse than I ever imagined, always gaslit every step of the way. We haven't talked to anyone in these last two days and I fear for the conversations to come, the discovery that this event STILL wasn't enough to sway them. Or even how they'll react if there even is a modicum of justice enacted on that man. What excuses they'll spew. Even just typing this makes me feel sick to my stomach. We may never be able to put any sort of pro-LGBT stickers on our car for fear of our safety in our own fucking hometown, but these people can proudly wear those hats and fly those and WORSE flags and storm the capitol building of our country with the police and 100+ republican representatives on their side.

I don't know how to continue like normal. I can't distract myself, I can't ignore it even if I wanted to, I can't focus on anything else. Just the dread of it all is so encompassing, so overwhelming, all I can do is just...sit here and wait. Leslie and I together, sitting on the couch, on our phones, dreading the moment when it gets worse...or when nothing happens at all.

I'm sorry. I know I'm not the only one hurting. I try to be optimistic and give people hope. And I'm still hoping that maybe someone will actually push through and at least impeach him. After Wednesday though, it's very, very hard for me to feel anything but anxiety at what's to come. Hopefully by Monday, things will be..."better" enough for us to get this next page done. At the very least, our hands will stop shaking by then. Until then, just...hang in there. Please. Even through the fear and the dread, just...do what you can. We'll see you soon.



I completely understand how you feel, I organize BLM protests where I live and to have people call the police on us, accuse US of being domestic terrorists, and having my college apartment address doxxed then have those same people call what happened in the Capital “people just being fed up” is so jarring. I hate that this has built up in my country and that people around me at my work place are excusing these actions is sickening. While I’m not in the Deep South I am in a conservative state with people who think they are in the south even though they’ve never been so far as TX, so I understand and have similar fears. Thank you so much for this message today and please take your time posting if you need to.

Jayne Lindgren

I "Liked" this post, but what I really am trying to do is send you guys some love. It's awful, and it's utterly terrifying how much our "fellow" Americans seem to miss literally everything about what this country could and should stand for, flying emblems of traitors and monsters even as they pound their chests and claim to be patriots. But you're not alone. We're not alone. They are resorting to these measures because we are *winning,* even if it doesn't feel like it. We can't give up. We have to support each other, and keep moving forward. Sending love your way.


As an indigenous person this is all so fucking horrifying. Seeing other native Americans being hosed and brutalized for protecting their land and water and these nazis just walk into the fucking capital. Im exhausted and terrified. I want this to be over so badly. Love to you two and I understand not feeling safe. I can't even put up signs or have any political leaning stickers without fearing for my life. Stay safe everyone please! <3


I'm sorry we all have to go through this. I'm doing what little I can as a disabled person, which is just giving money to organizations I know will do good and calling and making demands of various political figures. It's not much, but... Take care of yourselves. And take care of each other too.

Carol Morris

It's still sinking in for me. It's been really hard knowing how to talk to my kids about this. I am so sorry you don't feel safe where you are. You two have brought a lot of fun and joy to people and deserve better than this. We're all here for you and just want you to be safe and take all the time you need.


I look at Georgia and I have hope. These last four years have been deplorable people raging against the dying of their white privilege. As an older white man, I say good riddance. We fucked this country up good just to preserve our comfort, even though it came at the expense of continued racism, misogyny, anti-semitism, homophobia, and every other bigotry that kept us warm at night. Georgia gives me hope. They chose well. And I believe this will spread throughout the South. Louisiana will finally grow up, you two will live long enough to see it, and it will be beautiful.

Someone Named Tygget

If it's any consolation, Trump and the insurrectionists did more damage to their ideology and movement in a day than had been dealt in the past five years. This act of treason and sedition in the face of a free and fair election they did not like the result of will forever be their legacy.


Stay strong.


I live in france, but I also worried because of this new nationalism who also appears in my country (With all the Homophobie/Transphobia ... pack) And see this is really scare. I want to write more about how i'm hangry about this but my english is not developed. But courrage! I'm sure one day this nationalism will disapear for something beter for us!

Julian Tapia

I can understand how you both must be feeling, even if I've become to desensitized to it all. Even the invasion and rioting didn't surprise me really. I happen to work for a racist and hear her nonsensical attempts to rationalize what is going on and the blame. There's no reasoning with people like this, and I fear only time will eventually fix this, by which I mean the eventual death of the idiots who still support a monster through hell or high water.

Tom Sketchit

Stay safe. Stay strong.


I am very sorry you guys. It looks like it's been a very tough week for us all, on my own end not only has this happened, but I have also lost one of my best friends who I loved like a brother and who was a mentor to me when I was first learning how to play music. These last couple days I felt very empty and heartbroken inside at his sudden passing. In fact just two days before he died I had talked with him over Facebook and we were both really excited to eventually return to playing shows and what this year could potentially mean for our music careers. one of the things that's hit me the hardest is how he'll never get to see life return to normal for us musicians or get to see his new album released, along with a great many other things. Rest in peace Doc Lovett, my mentor my brother and friend. I'll never forget you

Justin Wood

Take as much time as you need. I'm sure we'd all rather you two be in good mental health and physical wellbeing when we pick things up.

Ben Burch

Looks like we barely survived this thing.