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So, we've had people on our tumblr asking us to enable comments on Rock Cocks. We've always been against it, even back on the original black and white run. Our logic was that comments on a porn comic would be more similar to comments on a porn video. Just a lot of talk about how they're jacking it and what debauchery they hope to see, which is fine and all, but we didn't want the comments to devolve into JUST that. But as suggested by some tumblr people, I've looked at porn comics that enable comments, and they don't seem too bad. We'd love to get even more immediate feedback on Rock Cocks and have people talking and speculating and pointing things out to others. We can't decide, though, so we'll let you guys do it. Should we enable comments on Rock Cocks? Vote away! http://strawpoll.me/4306637


Straw Poll


Aeryn Light

Maybe a third option? Like "registered people only". That would eliminate a lot of anonymous people from posting spam.


Oh, definitely. There's gotta be some way to force registration on these comments. Though I normally hate doing that kind of thing, I feel like it'd be a necessity for Rock Cocks.


Hell no. Unless you want to spend hours and hours moderating comments. There's almost nothing to be gained here. At best, the comments will be a distraction that most people ignore. At worst, it'll be a shit-show you'll have to spend time moderating.


Well, that's a tight vote right now! From what I have seen elsewhere for suggestive or explicit art and comics, you might be surprised about how different the comments you get will be from what you would expect on a porn video or porn gallery. Sure, you will have the usual "Oh that's lewd", "I like his dingdingdong", and even a few weirder ones at time, but it usually isn't any different from the usual complimentary comments you get for nice comics, just smuttier in language. I hardly ever saw any "I am jacking it" or "omg I am so hard rite now" From what I have seen elsewhere, you should have more comments about the plot, characters personalities, poses and situations people thought were creative, stuff like that... I mean, those on tumblr whom requested for comments to be opened, at least, probably didn't ask such to comment about their boners. (or so I hope) So yeah, I might be wrong, but I think it's worth a try? Well, I imagine poll results will dictate your decision anyway, but yeah, comments ain't so bad.


Jesus, would you look at that deadlock. . .