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New page! Suria's big reveal! http://therockcocks.com/index.php?id=66 Just thought you'd like to know that I've been busting ass writing scripts, especially for Rock Cocks. This chapter you're reading now has actually been written out for awhile, but as of yesterday, I've now got chapter 3 completely written as well! As far as writing goes, I'm now at page 101. Fans of the original run can probably guess what's gonna happen in chapter 3, but don't think it's going to be a complete retread! If you thought the original first chapter was boring, I think you'll appreciate what I've done to spice it up. If you read Boy Toy and (like Leslie) wished that Georgie and Elizabeth got some more screentime, then I think you'll like what's gonna happen. And Seth? Oooooh, you're going to love new Seth. Leslie won't stop talkin' about him! That's all for now. SEE YOU SOON




It's everything I was hoping for.


That reveal was pulled off perfectly. Well done guys!