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WE'RE BACK! New page, new chapter! Click Track 11 to get started, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Thanks for being so patient, everyone! Leslie had a fantastic week off! Granted we mostly just played a whole bunch of Final Fantasy XIV, but she definitely got plenty of rest and relaxation. Now we're back to work on the comic and ready to fucking GO! We're so excited for this chapter! This is where things start REALLY kicking off! Get ready for some BIG changes!

Again, thank you all so much for waiting. I can't stress how much this week off meant for Leslie. You guys are the fucking best. Expect a preview of your rewards for August real soon!

See you on Wednesday!




The chapter is named ''Cock Blocked''? I have a feeling that the plot will be really ticking!


Aww shit this is gonna get interesting.

A Guy

Woo! New chapter! New characters! (I'll assume we'll see them get naked before long).


We saw Anh Nguyen and heard Donny back in the beginning of track 5. Likely the longest-term recurring characters so far that we haven't seen in their birthday gear. A problem I think should be addressed ASAP!