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New page! Click Track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

This is it! Track 10 is officially OVER. Clocking in at exactly 101 pages, it is definitely our longest fucking chapter ever. Hopefully it'll stay that way and future chapters will be shorter, but I have never been able to keep to that promise yet. There's just so much story I want to tell! I think at least this time, I managed to make every scene feel necessary and useful in moving the plot forward. At the very least, I think I did a better job than some previous attempts. It's always a learning process. Of course, Leslie did great the whole way through with some of the most inventive and beautiful scenes the comic has ever had. And speaking of which...

Leslie's vacation begins NOW! As I talked about before, Leslie's finally getting her first actual vacation away from the comic, something she hasn't had in years. Seriously, she's done AT LEAST 150 pages in a row now! So she'll be taking a week off to just relax here at the apartment. Rock Cocks will resume on July 30th! In the meantime, I'll be writing on the next Rock Cocks track as well as doing some Slipshine work in between. My job isn't nearly as intensive as Leslie's, so I'll still be working. If you have any questions, feel free to post and I'll do my best to respond as quickly as possible!

I hope you're excited for the next track, because we are fucking HYPED. See you in a week!



Michael Russell

I see page 493 in the link but not 494.


I hate to ask, but are you absolutely sure? Because I'm seeing it on my end, even when logged out. Are you sure you're not on the previous link?


You both did a great job on this chapter


Somehow, I don’t think Seth’s heard the last of this from Georgie...


Enjoy your vacation! You deserve it! :)

Brendan Daley

the lighting at the end of this page is pretty stellar! great job!


Nice to finally hear the word "vacation" from your lips (metaphorically, since this is written). Leslie really deserves it. She's been working so hard. Y'all both have.