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New page! Very NSFW! Click track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Mardi Gras is officially over! For us, anyways. It technically doesn't really start until the 13th, but we're all Mardi Gras'd out. Leslie's parents have taken us to two different parade now, totalling over ten hours of parade. Fun parades, mind you, but exhausting. The rest of our month is also jam-packed with family events. Hopefully we can find some time between all this work and family stuff to set-aside a nice romantic Valentine's Day date. Speaking of which, I gotta get back to writing!

See you on Wednesday!




Hey. I'm having trouble getting access to the new comics. Been away for a few days and when I tried to access the google drive folder is says it doesn't exist or I no longer have permission to view the folder. Edit: Nevermind! Google got its shit together and all is well.


I just became a patron and I'm now having the same problem as Michael there. It says it doesn't exist or I don't have permission. ... and now suddenly it works. NEVERMIND!


I know the problem is fixed now, but were you having problems with old posts and did it just now work with this post? Or was it a problem with the link in this post specifically? Old folders in posts older than five days get deleted, so be sure to check the latest Patreon comic update post for a working link!


It was happening with everything. It seems to happen when you try opening it in a new tab, it doesn't connect. But a direct click goes to it fine... it's weird.