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New page! NSFW! Click track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Leslie's parents are taking us to another Mardi Gras parade, but this time, it's a NIGHT parade! No idea what's different. Never been to a night parade, so this should be interesting. We're kind of fully stocked-up on weird plastic knick-knacks from the last parade, though. Don't know how we're going to fit any more into our apartment. We did, however, track down an old brand of king cake from Leslie's past. The original manufacturer went out of business, but a donut company bought the recipe and keeps selling them. We found one of the two stores in the city and bought one, and Leslie's been in heaven ever since. It's a really good king cake!

See you on Monday!




Ahahah I love Steg's face in the last panel, it's cute 😂