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I told you Dakota would have some fun! This set of pin ups is a little test Leslie wanted to do with a new brush. If you look closely, there's some cool pixelated dithering in the shading! Leslie was looking for something to harken back to a PC-engine visual novel aesthetic, but ended up coming up with something entirely new in the process. The resolution on these pin ups was still kept low to keep that pixel quality, though, so they're a bit smaller. But it was still really fun working in this style and figuring out fun ways to incorporate the piratey aesthetic. Hope you like 'em!

As always, thank you so much for supporting us! See you soon with more Rock Cocks!




Ahh~ She's spotted some Booty🍑 I see what you did there 😉👌

A Guy

So whenever the Rock Cocks wraps up, should we expect an exhibitionist pirate spinoff?