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New Singles comic! Click here to read all the previous comics!

Sadly, even (and especially) pirates need their designated drivers...

HAPPY 100 SINGLES COMICS, EVERYONE! We hit triple digits on these bad boys! These Singles comics are actually one of my favorite things to do in a month. I really just love writing dumb jokey comics with boobs and butts in them, and these are always a fun creative challenge. What's been your favorite Singles comic we've done? Who are you hoping to see more of in future Singles comics? Let us know as we march on towards 200!

And don't worry, Dakota will have some fun in the pin ups! $10 Patrons, look out for another post coming up in a moment! And if you all in the $5 tier want to see some SUPER sexy pin ups (plus all the previous pin ups), just up your pledge any time here in May to get those pin ups! Offer's good throughout the month, so no rush!

See you soon with more Rock Cocks!



Procrastinator King

The most accurate description of Atlanta traffic I have ever read in a comic! LOL


Atlanta is only an hour drive from Atlanta.