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[Here's this week's episode, brought to you AD-FREE thanks to all of you!]

This week on the Filmcast, David, Devindra, and Jeff talk about Bullshit: The Game, Under the Banner of Heaven, and Kids in the Hall. For the feature review, the Filmcast visits On the Count of Three, the feature directorial debut of Jerrod Carmichael.

Use #slashtag on Twitter to recommend titles. Thanks to Mike C for building the Hashtag Slashtag website.

Weekly Plugs

David - Better Call Saul recaps on Patreon
Devindra - Engadget Podcast on Google I/O
Jeff - We Have Concerns episode 695

Shownotes (All timestamps are approximate only)

What we've been watching  (~13:40)
David - Firestarter, Bullshit: The Game, Under the Banner of Heaven,
Devindra - Under the Banner of Heaven, Made for Love S2, Hacks S2
Jeff - Kids in the Hall

Feature  (~1:05:11)
On the Count of Three
Spoilers (~01:15:30)

Support David's artistic endeavors at his Patreon. Listen and subscribe to David’s interview podcast Culturally Relevant and subscribe to his YouTube channel. Check out Jeff Cannata’s podcasts DLC and We Have Concerns. Listen to Devindra's podcast with Engadget on all things tech.  You can always e-mail us at slashfilmcast(AT)gmail(DOT)com, or call and leave a voicemail at 781-583-1993. Also, follow us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod.




Gary Yarbrough

Watched Bullshit the Game with my wife tonight and I highly recommend playing along by not just calling out what you think the answer is, like you might do with any trivia game show, but pause and try to bullshit whoever you are watching with. Also I have a problem with the way this show is edited to force you to binge it what happened to my Friday Night I was going to watch Chip and Dale and 4 episodes of Bullshit later…


Is anyone from the FC aware George Miller has a new movie, non Mad Max related, coming out in a couple months? Thought you guys might be interested in that.