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Hey Patrons,

Y'all seemed to enjoy getting a sneak preview of the "Dave's B-Movies" theme song last week so today we have another momentous music update: A taste of the new Filmcast theme song!

To create this new theme song, we worked with Varsity Blue, the newest project by Tim McEwan from The Midnight. We hope you enjoy it! Note: Tim is a Patreon subscriber to this show so please keep that in mind when you make your comments below. 

Thanks as always for your support!



The Filmcast Theme Song Update



Just joined the Patreon and I hate to have our first interaction be a negative one. But the new name and tagline "Welcome to the Filmcast, a podcast about movies" is aggressively vanilla. How about a little spice?


😍 Amazing! Love The Midnight too (saw them in Austin in 2019)