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David, Jeff, and Devindra discuss the Texas snowstorm, where to live in an era of climate change, and whether YouTube Premium is worth it.





As someone who never uses YouTube for anything other than to watch random Simpsons clips or TV reactions (or Dave Chen videos 😉), the thought of paying any amount of money for YouTube premium sounded just baffling to me, I’m firmly Team Jeff here.


But that's using that service lightly. Jeff is probably a lot more on YouTube, a creator himself as are his friends.


Oh man Jeff, there’s so much awesome stuff on YouTube that isn’t just short clips of stuff. There’s everything from people that live in vans traveling the world to people making googol:1 ratio gear reductions out of legos to videos that ask the question, what if Gandalf took the ring? I’m constantly falling down rabbit holes on YouTube about interesting subjects that aren’t trashy or the dark side of YouTube. There’s so much great stuff there.