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im on some clingy girl wave, someone love me





Cactus Man

I often think about my life. What I've done, what has happened to me, how people shaped my path. What events have had an influence upon my state of mind, my outlook on life, how I am perceived, what things that have happened to forge the person I've become. I do very often think about hose things. And I wonder, how would've I turned out if these things didn't happen? Would I have more friends? Would people come to me to start a conversation and not the other way around? Would I have been more confident in my choices and my future? Would I have more initiative to get things done? Would I be happy? I'll never know. No one will ever know. I only know how alone and ignored I feel. I only know what pain, sadness, rage, disappointment, emptiness, coldness, loneliness, and exhaustion feels like. I dont feel anything else. Or maybe I do feel more than that. I'll be honest, I barely know what the fuck goes on in my head. I'm only able to comprehend some of it, let alone put it into words that people can understand. I'm not a damn psychologist. Who knows what kind of fucking spaghetti thoughts wringle within my brain. I have no idea, and I doubt anyone will. Consciousness is incredibly difficult to explain. Brains are weird