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Cactus Man

Personally, if I meet someone who is blindingly gorgeous, but they're as plain as printing paper and twice as thick, 3/10. That's points off.

Cactus Man

There are no exceptions and there is NO MERCY in my rating system. They say the truth hurts, and I've been told I'm brutal.


i mean she has some depth lol, she fell victim to societies stereotypes and realized how unhappy it made her 🤷🏻‍♀️ but that’s just me i guess

Cactus Man

I didn't say they're bland. I'm just stating my facts. Also, making stereotypes you're entire personality makes you a brick. That's why I have several personalities at the ready, that way I have something to suit the situation and person.

Cactus Man

I'm an open book. Have a question and I'll answer it. In the best way possible that is, sometimes questions are asked that you're not always prepared to have the answers to.

Dylan MacFarlane

I remember high school. People were very shallow, but at least this girl saw the light


I had a friend tell me a similar story about something that had happened to them, but we did not speak in person. Their experience changed their perspective on a lot of things. In summary, I find it funny to know that simply by opening a window, you can somewhat save someone from maybe going down the wrong path. Also, your voice acting is always on point from my point of view:)

Rob Goldman

Well damn! Fairly standard growing up tropes. But for all that still a fantastic redition. 👍 Cliche is only a problem when the storyteller sounds inauthentic. This was totally solid. Well done.