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This horizon piece is gonna be the end of me!

Considering that I wanted to go dancing for the first time in YEARS Tuesday night and didn't know how my body would react ( it went well, by the way. Awesome night! ), I didn't think that I could complete a full comic page. So I imagined what I though would be a beautiful simple picture featuring Aloy and Zo ( the one I really wanted to romance in game ).  All I really wanted to add was one of those beautiful vegetable carpet as the scene.

But that pic completely ran away from me. Those game characters are already over designed, and I just kept adding stuff in the background because it felt empty. Monday, I did the research and planed the layout. The linework alone took a little bit more than 20 hours. Yesterday, it took me 12 h just to do the flat colors. I still have to add all the textures, color the lines and do the rendering. So it's simply impossible for me to post it today, but I'll do my damn best to complete it during the weekend.

See you guys soon!



Don't push it. Take care of yourself, and let the picture take as much time as it takes.


Congrats on dancing going so well!