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How are you doing my beautiful people?

I'm pretty good. My body is responding well to the rise in physical activity. Nothing crazy; just much longer walks and a fun night of dancing, but I'm feeling incredibly good and positive. I finally feel like I am back after a really long 6 years hiatus. And I can't wait for tomorrow night.

Also, I learned that keeping a daylight schedule is pretty easy when you have a good reason to.

Meanwhile... This horizon piece is starting to look pretty good! It took me two days to apply the textures, and yesterday, I managed to render the background. Now, all that remains are the foreground elements and, finally, the characters. I'm hoping to complete it today and post it tonight... Key word: HOPING.

So, the plan for this week is:

First, completing this piece as fast as possible. And a second (MUCH SIMPLER) pic before the end of the week.

I promise myself to take next weekend off.

And finally, if my body keep this up, next week, I'll get back to the SW comic. If I have the energy for this horizon pic, I have the energy for a comic page :P

See you guys soon!



Supreme Overlord Llama

Nice. Glad to see everything is working out well for you 😊🙌