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Still alive. I spent 17h Monday in different clinics and hospitals. I went there for a sore throat, but because of one of my symptoms, the first doctor was afraid I was having an hart attack ( I was not, but better safe than sorry :P ) My throat is slowly getting better. I have a nasty virus, but I figured out that by bringing down my PH level a bit I could at least reduce the irritation. It did miracles. And being able to eat a bit more raised up my energy level enough for me to draw this today.

I absolutely adore SNW's Nurse Chapel. She's hardcore, fun and just so attractive. She's my favorite character on that show, which is weird since I always hated the character on the original series. I just wish they'd move away a bit from her relation with Spock. Give her something else to do. That moment on the couch, between two girls, during her musical number. That's what I want her to be: the fun bisexual player she is mentioned to be, but that is never shown.

Hope you guys dig it!




does she boldly go where no man had been before? Orgasm territory?