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How are you doing my beautiful people?

I’m sadly not in a great shape… I’m sick again. I’m not fevering of anything, but I got a bug in my throat. It’s basically on fire, and I can’t swallow anything harder then yogurt. The last time I had something similar ( it was even worst), I went to the emergency room and got yelled at by a doctor telling me I was wasting his time and just go home and wait it out.

So, this time, I waited... but the Pharmacist is telling me that if it last more than 3 days to see a doctor…I'll have to wake up early tomorow to go to the CLSC.

Add to that, that I have the meeting for my surgery planned on Friday

And that I’m having technical issues with the free style monitoring system, got two defectives captors and I keep ripping off the other ones by accident. I feel like I’m spending way too much time at the hospital and the pharmacist lately :P

But things aren’t too bad.

I’m REALLY happy with the “Generator Rex” picture, although it doesn’t not seem to be really popular… I guess there aren’t as many fans of this show as I though.

I’m done with the "Star Wars" script, got Tracy’s note and will go through them as soon as I’m back tomorrow. I also contacted Ferawyn and I’m happy to report that he should be back at my side for this issue. And on Friday (provided the doctor doesn’t force a quarantine on me tomorrow) I should be able to have a good idea of when my surgery is planed and see what kind of timeline I have for this comic. So, things are looking good. Even if I feel like life is throwing everything at me lately.

That’s it for now.


Supreme Overlord Llama

I honestly don't know half the stuff that you draw but the art is so great so it's all fine by me :D


You do great work. Also, I am so ready for more Star Wars!

Sven M.

I love that you draw art of things that were not done a lot already. The surprise of seeing stuff like the Rex pic ( i think it is great by the way) is one of the many reasons to be here. Hope you get better soon.

mr gdf

Take care. Hope you ll be well soon