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Hello my beautiful people.

So, it finally happened. I completed my latest comic with Tracy Scops.
I won't bore you on how good it is... I did this way too much already :P
Meanwhile, she has been hard at work on "Renew Your Lust" that should be released shortly.

Now what?

I still have three commission to get through to clear the list I accepted in January??? (I think) I am truely embarrassed by the sheer amount of time it has taken. This is EXACTLY why I try to limit my sells at 5 at a time but, since those sell out way too fast, last time, I ended up with 17 in totals.

If you are one of those 3, check your spam mail. I sent you an email on Friday night to confirm that you where still interested. So far I only have received 1 response.

Once these 3 are done, I'm going to take a one-week vacation. And than we'll start working on the next Star Wars book. I'll see if Ferawin is still interested in helping me with the text, but chances are that I'll be alone on this one. So we might be back at me posting pages and you guys sending me notes and correcting my english :P

Of course, everything can change in the last minute if I get called for my surgery

That's it. You now know as much as I do.
See you guys soon!



Sounds like a plan!


Sounds good too. Take all the time you need, no rush at all, Alx.