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How are you doing my beautiful people?

I'm doing fine!

Last week was a good one for me. Page 6 was a hell of a lot to do, even if it took WAY too long compared to the amount of time you guys will spend on it in the end :P it's full of crowds, I decided to add in cameos and push the rendering to a level that I never did before in the line work. What can I say? A scene in the Oscars screamed for a more glamorous look. There still another page to this scene, but it's a lot simpler.

Speaking of pages, I realized late that there was small hole in the script. Tracy and I discussed a few way to fix it. We ended up adding a full page to the issue. So, there now 3 pages remaining. Which should mean about two weeks of work. The end is near. Tracy has been very happy with the result so far... Because of it, she shared a little more than she usually do, but I'm fine with this since that meant I had something to show you too.

I was meant to use the weekend to do a few corrections on pages I already delivered, but I REALLY needed the break.

Finally, "Renew their lust is" coming soon. Tracy is hard at work on this one. She showed me a few pages on Friday, they look great. I was really happy with my linework on that one so I'm glad the colors are good.

That's it for now!
See you guys soon.


Gerphil Denné

I love the art, but when can we expect the continuation of your starwars story ?


I feel like I'm answering this every week. life got in the way I know... I have a script almost ready. need another pass I think. Once I'm done with Tracy's issue, the plan is to clear the remaining 3 commissions and move of to the Star Wars book. but everything is depending on when my surgery will be scheduled