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Hello my beautiful people.
How are you doing?

Me, I'm both disappointed by, and proud of, last week's production.

It took a few days to recover from the night of insomnia I had on Sunday to Monday. Resulting in only one page for Tracy's book done this week (disappointed).

But what a page it is! (proud)

Page 5 alone took four days. I worked all weekend on it to finally deliver yesterday. The funny thing is, it should NOT have taken so much time. In script form, it's a very simple scene, despite a good number of cells. But it's a flash back to a somewhat famous scene from a very specific era of Spider-Man (this book is full of those) and I wanted to do it justice, having it being instantly recognizable by those who knew and still making it distinctly mine.

So I drew my ass of!
It is a great page.

This week

I'm aiming for page 6 and 7, but since I woke up at 11pm tonight, I expect I'll have to do one of my 24h switch soon which will cost me a day... I'll try to have it on the weekend. As usual, if I can, or if I can't manage 2 pages this week, I'll try to squeeze in a little something for you all!

That's it for now!
See you guys soon.

EDIT: Strike That!
I just realised what was in the script for page 6 and ... there's NO WAY I manage 2 pages this week. LOTS of crowds in this one!


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