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That... is quite a title :P

Tracy has shared the teaser for our story, which mean I can too.
There's a sister book to this issue named "What the Fuck Did They Do This Time to Peter and MJ?"  with art by Karl Paulson. It's going to be a fun double feature.

I'm also very happy to be paired with St. Clever for this one. Their coloring work fit my style PERFECTLY!

Hope you guys dig it!



Tracy Scops

I'm probably biased, but this is most likely the best comic Alx ever did. I like it so much I made one of the panels from page 3 into my Twitter Banner: https://twitter.com/tracyverse

Sean Jackson

This is everything the current Marvel establishment hates, well done.


Very nice, but when we'll see another awesome story from YOU?? Maybe another chapter of SW? :)


life got in the way I know... I have a script almost ready. need another pass I think. Once I'm done with this one, the plan is to clear the remaining 3 commissions and move of to the Star Wars book. but everything is depending on when my surgery will be scheduled


I don't know about HATE... but yes. Bring back Peter and MJ... Peter need to grow up!


Niiice! Thank you Alx!


Star Wars, yes! I love Wookie sex & need more Wookie sex. Take all the time you need Alx, no rush at all.


Always a treat when you and Tracy join forces. Can't wait to see Clever's colors!


I've only saw the cover myself ( as shown above ) but I'm loving it!