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and here I though I was sick 2 weeks ago...
Between the different  vaccines and social distancing. I had forgotten what it was to get the flue. I can't say I missed it.

Been coughing my lungs out for 3 days. Stones on meds. I can barely think, least of all draw.
So... weeks off again.

Sorry about that.
See you guys as soon as I'm back on my feet.



Hope you get better soon. Take your time and recover fully.


Expect that cough to hang around for a month. Had the flu Las winter and it took forever to shake the cough 😱


I am so sorry to hear you are so sick. That sucks! Please take care of yourself and get well soon.

Didi Solomon

Rest up and get well soon!


Hope you get better soon. Take The time you need to recover

Sven M.

Take your time and hope you get better soon.

The Cad

Rest properly and you will get well soon, real flu no joke!

marc ou olivier

Prenez tout le temps nécessaire pour vous remettre d'aplomb. La santé avant tout.


Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon.

Mark B

Aww, hope you feel better soon. I'm just recovering from something similar (don't think it was flu) so I can empathise.